Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All

Published on October 21, 2020. Last Updated on June 11, 2024.

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All: He shrugged them off. It just wasn’t a big deal. According to Los Angeles native, who decided to become Dr.Bumpinator’s patient, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen these types of bumps, and just like before he expected them to go away. 

These tiny bumps, he explained, formed along his hairline on the back of his head after his hair was braided too tightly. 

Los Angeles patient admitted he initially ignored the bumps on the back of his head because he genuinely thought they would go on their own.

“Even that same day, I started noticing little bumps across my hairline,” he said.

Bumps after getting hair braided is typical. In fact, hairstylists and barbers sometimes inform their clients that the tightness of the braid may cause slight irritation or inflamed bumps on the edges of the hair. Some have called it barber’s rash.

Feeling uncomfortable and unwilling to suffer through the rigid tugging and pulling caused by the braids, the patient said he unraveled his braids. He didn’t think too much into it once the tension on his scalp was relieved and went about his typical routines.

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All

In this video, Dr. Bumpinator explains the importance of this patient’s case.  Learn more about the details of his experience prior to his surgery.

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of The Head Once and For All
Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of The Head Once and For All

The Bumps Kept Growing 

The bumps, he thought would subside, eventually. But they didn’t. Cue the pain, drainage and neverending discomfort. 

“I was treating them like regular hair bumps,” the patient explained. “Being a black male, you get hair bumps when you shave and I thought that’s what it was.” 

Gradually, year-over-year, the bumps changed. Fifteen years since the day he untwisted his braids, the bumps fused into a large protruding mass that he hid with his long dreadlocks.

Mike grew his hair out to hide the large AKN bump.

Because of his long hair , not a lot of people realized that Mike was struggling with AKN.

“For some reason,” he said. “Which is unknown, it decided to develop into something else.”

Trading Supersets for Hundred Mile coffee

The massive size of the bump restricted head movements. He could not find a comfortable sleep posture. That plus all the oozing of pus and blood from the bumps called for a career change. The patient’s work as a personal fitness trainer was severely affected by the slow trickle of pus, blood, and discharge from the mass on the back of his head.

“It would discharge out of the blue,” he explained. “And me dealing with people or [helping] them; I had to completely change everything.” 

“It was embarrassing,” he added. 

Pondering his next career steps, Mike decided to start working as a truck driver. His life, he said, changed again. Instead of being physically active, he spent 14 hour days driving trucks.

“Part of my lifestyle was active,” he said. “I’ve always been active, but the change in my physical life changed my life more.”

Misdiagnoses, Treatment Failures, The Hopeless Journey of a Los Angeles AKN Patient With Large Bump

The patient sought treatment to no avail. He was referred to a dermatologist, but every time he went to the clinic he was seen by a different dermatologist who was unfamiliar with his case. 

“I was starting over every appointment with every doctor,” he noted.

Furthermore, each doctor went through a list of medications including steroids which were being injected into the lesions.  Mike was baffled. He said the steroids were affecting his bone density and teeth. “It was a domino effect,” he added. 

“The medication,” he said. “Was more damaging to me than the actual bump.”  

Nothing was effective. In addition, he didn’t even have an actual diagnosis. At one point, his bump was diagnosed as a keloid. He also had surgery to remove a bump on the left side of the back of his head. Unfortunately, the surgery created a bald area without removing the problem. 

“Inches of my hair fell out,” he added. 

He wished he hadn’t done the surgery. “They didn’t even understand what it was,” he explained. “They didn’t take the time to figure out what it was.” 

After that surgery, the patient explained the bumps came back even worse. He continued to take the medications. But nothing proved effective.

“Being on the medication and being in constant pain,” he said. “My wife noticed it was changing me.” 

The patient said his frustration with the constant agony over the bumps made him more reclusive. He didn’t want to be around anyone he didn’t have to. No one, but his wife, knew he was struggling with the bumps on the back of his head. In the long run, his hermit-like behavior started affecting his relationships with his family and friends. He grew long dreadlocks to cover the ever-growing bump which by then had become a massive growth on the back of his neck.

Dr. Bumpinator and Dr Pimple Popper To The Rescue!

“It’s like having a pimple on the back of your head that won’t pop,” Mike said of the bumps. Even at night if he rolled over, he’d wake up in pain. 

He needed a solution. Nothing was working and now at 19-years of grappling with the immensely 6.5 inches in length and 11 inches in width fused bump, something had to give. The balloon-sized bump needed to be popped or something. 

So naturally, seeing and hearing about Dr. Sandra Lee’s ability to tackle some of the most stubborn bumps, he decided to seek her help. After scheduling an appointment and seeing Dr. Lee also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, “She basically recommended that I see Dr. Umar,” he shared. “She had seen things like it but said that he had more specialty in this. She is very upfront.”

As it turns out, Dr. Sanusi Umar also known as Dr. Bumpinator has had extensive experience dealing with the specific condition which is called Acne Keloidalis Nuchae or AKN and was happy to take on this gentleman’s case as a joint patient with Dr. Pimple Popper. 

“The other doctors acted like they’ve never seen anything like it before,” Mike continued. “Dr. Sandra Lee and Dr. Umar seemed to know what I was dealing with – within minutes. Seeing Dr. Umar, he knew exactly what this was.” 

After seeing Mike’s large AKN condition, Dr. Sandra Lee called Dr. Bumpinator to discuss treatment options and procedures to remove his bump completely

“I ended up in a little shell,” he shared. “I stayed at home and didn’t do the things that I would normally do.”

His Bumps Had A Name

He was surprised that Dr. Bumpinator wasn’t shocked at the sight and the magnitude of the lump. The patient added  “I was so used to seeing doctors who rushed through my appointments. They simply didn’t know what to do about the bump.” 

According to his interview, when he saw Dr. Umar  (Dr. Bumpinator) at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, Calif “ he knew exactly what this was.” Bumpinator educated the patient on his condition and for the first time in 19-years, he had a real diagnosis. He told him he had Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, AKN, a condition that affects the back of the head when bumps and masses form. In addition, during his appointment, Mike was given actual treatment options. He was floored to even have such options.

In 19-years,  this patient’s Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump had fused into a massive lump measuring at 6.5 inches in vertical height and 11 inches in width.

Dr.Bumpinator measures the length of a massive AKN bump

“During Dr. Umar’s first examination, I felt confident. He didn’t look shocked,” he added.  “It was a breath of fresh air and I knew that I wasn’t going to continue this wild goose chase for help.”

Trying Not To Have Expectations

“I didn’t lose my faith,” Mike admitted. 

Similarly, he didn’t want to get too excited that he’d finally found Dr. Bumpinator who was confident he could eradicate the monster that taunted him for so long. His wife, Mike said, was also happy, but hesitant, too.

“We’d been down that road before,” he shared candidly. “Where we thought we had something solid that could help, but it was hot air.” 

Dr. Bumpinator’s Approach For Large-Size Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Dr. Sanusi Umar, known to his patients as Dr. Bumpinator seen here performing massive AKN head bump removal on Mike. Dr Umar has spent a number of years researching and developing life-changing treatments to provide Acne Kelodalis Nuchae patients with a wide range of treatment.

According to Dr. Bumpinator, AKN is poorly researched with conventional treatments often unpredictable and varies from patient to patient. His innovative techniques and protocols take out the guesswork in proper diagnosis and treatment. Such advancements are the driving force behind effective procedures that get rid of the bumps with long-lasting results. 

Furthermore, the patient’s condition was so severe that the topical steroids, oral antibiotics, steroid injections, and previous conventional surgery were obviously not effective. He needed a more aggressive approach without all of the harsh pharmaceuticals.

First Dr. Bumpinator appropriately classified Mike’s AKN. Based on this classification which Dr. Umar himself has developed, he presented this patient with curative surgical treatment options using techniques and some tools he himself developed.  

“He was upfront,” the patient recounted. “He knew how to deal with it and didn’t prescribe me medications.” 

“He knew how to deal with it,” he emphasized.

AKN Surgery Procedure To Remove Large-Size Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Bump

Dr.Bumpinator and his team assess Mike’s Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump before removing it.

During the patient’s surgery, Dr. Bumpinator removed the mass entirely along with all its discharging sinus tracks some of which were draining to both sides of the patient’s neck.


Mike’s 19 year old AKN bump left a huge, gaping wound.  The challenge now, is how to close it and leave a natural looking appearance. 

Dr. Bumpinator at work, applying his Athena tension sutures which allows the AKN wound to gradually close on its own, over time.

He finished the surgery by using the innovative “Athena Tension Suture Kit™” to influence an optimal healing outcome as well as to minimize the size of the final scar.  Dr. Umar had himself developed the Athena tension suture kits when the conventionally available tools proved ineffective with often the occurrence of tissue tears that lead to failure and scarring.

Without the Athena Kits, the patient would have required a more invasive multi-phase procedure called balloon expansion which has a very high rate of severe complications and required many months of downtime. The Athena Kits removed the need for that Dr Bumpinator explained.

Eight weeks later, with just one surgery, the patient’s AKN was gone. In addition, to camouflage the remaining scar to match his skin complexion, Dr. Bumpinator also performed tricopigmentation.

The side-by-side comparison of the patient’s look pre- and post-surgery is truly amazing! *

VIDEO- Monstrous 19-Year-Old AKN Bump Is NO Match For Dr. Bumpinator

Want to meet the patient and hear his feedback about his procedure? Learn more about this patient’s struggle with his large-sized, class 3 AKN bump and how Dr.Bumpinator terminated this lesion on the back of his scalp.

Massive Acne Keloidalis Nuchae AKN Bump on Back Of Head Removed by Dr Bumpinator
Massive Acne Keloidalis Nuchae AKN Bump on Back Of Head Removed by Dr Bumpinator

For the patient to heal, he shared, it took the two renowned doctors to communicate with one another. He said the level of respect both doctors have for each other, out of the entire experience, made a big impact on him. Dr. Sandra Lee’s coordinating care to have Dr. Bumpinator’s input changed this patient’s life. 

“I was surprised they were willing to work together,” the patient pointed out. “Or at least to share information. All the other doctors didn’t.”

In his opinion, the patient shared, “They’re both good people. Dr. Sandra Lee could have easily gone a different way about it. And I was happy that Dr. Bumpinator was willing to cross-reference, talk and come up with a solution.” 

His tumorous bump is gone. He’s bump-free – just like that. 

Though it’s been only nine months since his surgery, it seems like so long ago. He’s sleeping through the night. And when he’s tossing or turning, there’s no bump to awaken him. 

“It worked out in a good way and I’m pleased with it,” he said. 

Perhaps the most life-changing result beyond being bump-free, the patient shared, was that he was finally anxious to get back to the life he left behind.  “I have now quit my truck driving job,” he said enthusiastically.  “and for the first time, I am beginning to work out again. I am getting back in shape.”

With tears in his eyes, he exclaimed, “I have my life back.”Dr. Bumpinator’s diverse treatment options for men dealing with AKN bumps on the back of their heads also means there are no limitations to viable treatments that permanently clear them. It’s just a matter of proper consultation and meeting with Dr. Bumpinator to find the best solution as not one case of AKN is the same.  Want a free consultation with Dr. Bumpinator, himself? Click below to get started with a free consultation! 


FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

I am a black man and would like to treat my AKN. Why won’t medications work to get rid of my bump?

Steroid medications will only address the inflammatory aspect of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. Also, antibiotics will only help with any bacterial infections present. In short, what this means is that drugs can only treat symptoms that cause patients discomfort. They will not actually remove the tissue growth which comprises your bump. You would need a more curative treatment using published protocols.

How do I know if my Acne Keloidalis Nuchae hard bump on the back of my head will stop growing or not?

AKN is progressive and will continue to grow and evolve over time, as shown in this patient’s case. Although it is relatively unlikely that average AKN patients will have their bumps reaching this size, affected individuals should still be aware of the ongoing nature of their condition and plan for the removal of their lesion, rather than hoping that this skin disease will reach some type of stopping point.


[1] Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2019 May; 7(5): e2215 Published online 2019 May 16

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD