What is Dissecting Cellulitis?

What is Dissecting Cellulitis? Dissecting Cellulitis (DC), also known as Hoffman disease, is a chronic (long-term) inflammatory scalp disorder that causes abscesses and keloids that lead to patchy hair loss and cicatricial (scarring) alopecia (destruction of hair follicles).

Dissecting cellulitis is incurable; however, somebody can manage symptoms to reduce pain and provide comfort.

DC is part of the follicular occlusion triad, where three diseases occur simultaneously. The other inflammatory diseases are acne conglobate (nodulocystic acne) and hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa).

The disease is most prominent in young adult black males but can, however, affect people of all races, ages, and sex.

What Causes Dissecting Cellulitis?

Specialists are working to determine the main cause of DC and establish why it affects some people and not others.

In this disorder, blocked hair follicles swell up and eventually rupture, causing inflammation underneath the skin.

Secondary Infection

The pus formed in the scalp following the follicle bursts becomes infected with bacteria over time, leading to further surface infections, hair loss, and scarring.

DC is often attributed as hereditary, but the disease rarely occurs in multiple family members. A small number of patients from the same family have experienced DC in the past, which leaves room for the assumption that genes play a role in the disease.  

Symptoms of Dissecting Cellulitis

DC, which starts as blocked hair follicles, worsens with time, with various signs and symptoms manifesting at the onset and later stages of the disease if not treated on time.

Early Symptoms

The most common onset symptoms include:

  • Swollen pimples on the scalp
  • Pus-filled painful lesions
  • Hair loss patches

Symptoms noticed in fewer cases:

  • Fever and swollen lymph nodes

Late Symptoms

  • Bleeding lesions
  • Permanent hair loss (fails to grow back after homecare treatments)
  • Wormlike skin fold between lesions
  • Scarring

If you exhibit the above symptoms, it is essential to seek immediate dermatology consultation, as they may indicate DC disease.

How is Dissecting Cellulitis Diagnosed?

Dermatologists usually diagnose DC through physical examinations of the scalp or infected areas. To further ascertain a DC diagnosis, they may swab pus (if the symptoms are at a later stage) or take scalp biopsies for histologic analysis.

Consult certified specialists and explain your symptoms in detail to avoid a misdiagnosis. 

What Does it Look Like?

A patient with a very severe case of dissecting cellulitis. He is currently receiving laser treatment under the care of Dr. Umar to manage symptoms.

What Treatments Are Available for Dissecting Cellulitis?

Once diagnosed, there are several recommended approaches to treating DC. As an incurable chronic condition, strategies have been put in place to manage active symptoms such as pain, hair loss, and lesions.


There are three kinds of supplements used to manage DC:

  • Antibiotic oral supplements to fight infection. It is often recommended for long-term use to prevent relapse.
  • Steroid supplements are used in the short term to manage inflammation. They should be avoided in the long run to prevent severe side effects.
  • Oral retinoids help reduce follicle blockage and reduce acne. Retinoids cannot be purchased over the counter. Patients require a prescription from a certified dermatologist.

WARNING: Pregnant mothers are advised to refrain from retinoid use, which may cause extensive damage to the unborn child.

Topical Steroids

These are substances applied directly to the affected areas to reduce scalp inflammation. Examples include gels, lotions, ointments, and creams. These can be combined with topical antimicrobials and antiseptic scalp washes to reduce bacterial levels.


Specialists may surgically drain large boils or painful abscesses to manage them by excising. Additionally, they can cut open the inflamed areas.

Surgical removal of the entire scalp skin is an extreme procedure and could be one of the most effective methods to manage DC. However, this procedure is for specific patients with severe cases. If the patient requests it, the doctor may follow other treatment methods for better results. 

Note: This exercise may leave scarring.

Other Treatments

  • Laser hair removal may lead to permanent hair loss.
  • Laser treatment to smoothen the scalp.
  • Radiation. 
  • Light treatment (photodynamic therapy). The procedure is slightly painful and might cause crusting. 
  • Steroid Injections are administered directly to affected areas. They are a painful procedure but have fewer side effects than steroid tablets.


  • Avoid smoking or tobacco use. Research findings have linked tobacco to cause DC.
  • Follow instructions and medications as directed.
  • Use medically approved products on your hair and scalp.
  • Maintain a normal, healthy diet.
  • Do regular check-ups with your specialist. 

A severe case of Dissecting Cellulitis (DC)

Dissecting Cellulitis (DC) and Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN)

Dissecting Cellulitis can, in rare cases, coexist with other scalp and hair disorders.

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, also known as AKN, is a skin disorder characterized by small or large bumps, often on the back of the head. Although common in males of African-American ethnicity, AKN can also affect people of other races.

AKN is often mistaken or misdiagnosed as razor bumps or keloidal conditions. It is far worse if left untreated. Use this link to ensure you get a diagnosis from a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Sanusi Umar: https://dru.com/hair-free-consultation/

Some patients with severe scalp conditions may exhibit symptoms of both DC, AKN, and CVG (cutis verticis gyrata, a rare disorder common in males, characterized by deep skin folds on the scalp) due to overlapping risk factors. 

Additionally, multifaceted treatment is applied to ensure DC, AKN, and CVG are managed effectively. 

A patient with severe cutis verticis gyrata (CVG), acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), and dissecting cellulitis (DC) conditions. He is currently receiving treatment under the care of Dr. Umar to manage symptoms. Notice the small and large bumps at the back of his head and the furrow-like appearance on the center of the scalp.


Dissecting Cellulitis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Fatal?

Dissecting Cellulitis is not a deadly disease.

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Contagious?

No. Dissecting Cellulitis is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another.

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Curable?

No. It is incurable but can be managed.

How Can I Treat Dissecting Cellulitis?

You can complete a free consultation for your scalp condition with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Sanusi Umar using this link: https://dru.com/hair-free-consultation/ or the free consultation button below.



Hintze, J. M., Howard, B. E., Donald, C. B., & Hayden, R. E. (2016). Surgical Management and Reconstruction of Hoffman’s Disease (Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp). Case Reports in Surgery, 2016, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2123037

Tran, A. X., Lefante, J. J., & Murina, A. (2022). Risk factors for dissecting cellulitis of the scalp: A case-control study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 86(4), 941–943. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2021.03.076

What is Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG) or Bulldog Scalp Syndrome?

What is cutis verticis gyrata (CVG)? CVG is a rare disorder common in males, characterized by deep skin folds on the scalp resembling those of the brain. Also known as the “bulldog scalp” syndrome, the disorder is classified into primary and secondary forms.

Primary Form

The primary form of bulldog scalp syndrome, or CVG, affects the vertex and occipital regions on the scalp, with folds running symmetrically in an anterior-posterior direction.

The two types are:

  •  Primary Essential CVG: This form is prevalent among young adults, especially postpubertal men. The cause is attributed to genetics and endocrine factors.
  •  Primary Non-essential CVG: Unlike the primary essential, the non-essential CVG is often associated with various abnormalities such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, retardation, ophthalmologic and cranial abnormalities.

Secondary Form

The secondary form of bulldog scalp syndrome, or CVG, is associated with inflammatory and underlying scalp diseases. These may include cutis laxa, syphilis, amyloidosis, intracranial aneurysms, and acromegaly. 

What Causes Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG)?

Little research on the disorder shows that the cause is still undetermined. Understanding the etiology of CVG shows that it is not an individual disease entry. It is a manifestation of diverse causes:

Hormonal: The post-puberty onset of CVG and the male dominance suggest that various hormones can cause the disorder.

Imbalances of the growth hormone (GH) in some cases may lead to acromegaly or other endocrine disorders, which affect the overall physical growth of the body.


Genetics is often linked to the primary non-essential CVG, where the form is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders like epilepsy and retardation, among other genetic syndromes such as Turner Syndrome and Acromegaly.

Chronic Inflammation: Persistent scalp infections with recurrent inflammations may affect the skin, developing CVG folds and ridges.

Symptoms of Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG)

Although CVG symptoms are distinctive and visible ridges and furrows, here are others to look out for:

Primary Symptoms

  • Ridges and Furrow: These are very noticeable from the onset, with soft folds varying in prominence and depth. The ridges and furrows grow gradually over time.
  • Thickened Skin: During the early stages, the skin on the scalp thickens and becomes sponge-like to the touch.

Secondary Symptoms

In the case of secondary CVG form, one might experience additional symptoms related to underlying disorders or conditions:

  •   Hair loss or thinning on the affected areas.
  •   Discomfort and itching
  •   Other skin and hair conditions
  •   Symptoms related to underlying disorders may include weight loss or gain, fatigue, and enlarged body parts. 

How is CVG Diagnosed?

Bulldog scalp syndrome is particularly easy and fast to diagnose. Dermatologists examine the scalp physically. The presence of furrows and ridges is sufficient to diagnose CVG.

In rare cases, a specialist will further assess other visible symptoms to classify them as primary or secondary CVG.

In the case of secondary CVG, diagnostic tests such as skin biopsy and blood tests may be ordered to check for underlying disorders such as thyroid, acromegaly, or other scalp inflammatory diseases.

Patients with CVG are advised to avoid self-treatment to ensure a correct diagnosis has been made by a certified dermatologist, who may, in turn, refer them to specialists based on the findings. 

What does Bulldog scalp syndrome look like? 

Two of our patients in the above images struggled with both Bulldog Scalp Syndrome/Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG) and Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN). Notice the visible ridges and furrows on the scalp as well as the patchy hair loss.


How Do You Treat CVG?

It is important to determine the form of Bulldog scalp syndrome/CVG diagnosed (primary or secondary) before proceeding with the treatment to ensure the methods used are effective.

To properly treat CVG, specialists are required to manage the cosmetic needs associated with changes in the scalp skin and the underlying conditions leading to the effects on the skin.

Cosmetic Treatment

  1. Surgical procedures

The most effective treatment method is surgical intervention, which depends on the location and size of the CVG folds. Big folds may require skin grafts and local flap reconstructions, while smaller furrows can be managed with simple cuts out of the affected area.

Surgical procedures include:

  • Scalp reduction to flatten the surface.
  • Laser Therapy to make the scalp skin smooth.
  • Hair transplant
  1. Topical Treatments to manage dryness and itching.
  2. Use of corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation.

Managing Underlying Conditions

  • Hormonal therapy
  • Treatment of associated dermatological conditions
  • Preventing progressive skin changes through essential treatment of underlying disorders.


  • Patients are encouraged to practice scalp hygiene by cleaning between furrows and ridges to prevent bad odors and secondary infections. Ensure products used are mild to the skin to reduce irritation.
  • Avoid tight headgear or hairstyles to minimize scalp trauma.

CVG patients, especially those with associated conditions, require regular monitoring by specialists to assess progress and address complications or adjust treatment.

Relationship Between CVG (Cutis Verticis Gyrata) and AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN)

CVG and AKN are both scalp conditions prevalent in men and characterized by small and large folds on the back region of the head. A 2022 research study on the relationship between dermal thickening and excessive folding in both disorders revealed that the spreading of AKN lesions preceded the onset of CVG by two years for patients affected by the two disorders. 

In the wake of the research findings associating AKN and CVG, dermatologists have become more aware of the possibility of patients experiencing one after the other or both simultaneously. Specialists can now take precautions in addition to suggested treatment methods to manage the disorders. 

Frequently Cutis Verticis Gyrata Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Cutis Verticis Gyrata treatable?

Treatment options include managing underlying conditions, symptoms, and cosmetic needs.

Is Cutis Verticis Gyrata hereditary?

Some forms of CVG contain genetic components. However, the disease is rare and patternless.

What causes Cutis Verticis Gyrata/Bulldog Scalp Syndrome? 

The exact cause is yet to be established. It can be either primary (spontaneous disease) or secondary (underlying conditions).

How can I treat Cutis Verticis Gyrata? 

Complete a free consultation for your hair loss with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Sanusi Umar by using this link: https://dru.com/hair-free-consultation/ or

Check out Dr. Bumpinator’s remarkable journeys with his patients using this link:  https://bumpinator.com/bumpinator/how-this-big-lucky-akn-bear-overcame-his-breaking-point-part-1/



Jeong, J., Daniela Tiemi Sano, Silvia Regina Martins, Antônio José Tebcherani, & Paula, A. (2014). Primary essential cutis verticis gyrata – Case report. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 89(2), 326–328. https://doi.org/10.1590/abd1806-4841.20142949

Koregol, S., Yatagiri, R., Warad, S., & Itagi, N. (2016). A rare association of scleromyxedema with cutis verticis gyrata. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 7(3), 186. https://doi.org/10.4103/2229-5178.182365

Larsen, F., & Birchall, N. (2007). Cutis verticis gyrata: Three cases with different aetiologies that demonstrate the classification system. Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 48(2), 91–94. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-0960.2007.00343.x


Get Rid of Plaques Behind Back of Head: AKN Plaque Removal Results by The Bumpinator

AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, commonly abbreviated as AKN, is a condition that affects men of color and can result in small to large painful bumps on the back of the head. Left untreated, these bumps can worsen over time.

In the case of this AKN patient, his AKN has advanced to a large, painful plaque on the back of his head.

After much research, he came to Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic to meet with Dr. Umar, also known as Dr. U or The Bumpinator, to terminate his AKN bumps and AKN plaque once and for all.

See the amazing before and after results in the image and YouTube video below.

Bumpinator AKN Plaque Removal Results – Before and After Surgical Removal by Dr. U

AKN Plaque Removal Before and After Patient Results – Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic*

Note the clean finish The Bumpinator was able to accomplish for this patient. The clean, natural, and masculine-looking hairline directly result from careful surgical experience combined with The Bumpinator’s original AKN removal methods unique to this clinic.

VIDEO: Back of Head AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against The Bumpinator!

Open the YouTube video to see more before and after video results of this patient’s remarkable transformation! You can also follow our channel on YouTube for more Bumpinator content.

Free Yourself From Unwanted AKN Plaques & AKN Bumps – Contact The Bumpinator Today

AKN can be painful, both mentally and physically.

Treating and removing AKN as soon as possible is essential, so it does not worsen.

Would you like to know what it feels like to live freely? Without constant pain and worry?

Many patients have reported that after AKN removal, a “weight” has been lifted – both physically and mentally, as they are now free from the constant pain of living with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.

Suppose you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head. In that case, it is best to discuss this with a licensed and experienced dermatologist such as Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, who has extensive experience diagnosing and dealing with this tough-to-beat condition.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

What does AKN look like?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchael (AKN) can appear as:

  1. Red patches on the skin
  2. Papules
  3. Plaques
  4. Pustules

These bumps, plaques, and papules can sometimes appear acne-like, but AKN is a condition that is entirely different from acne.

This may be confusing for some, as AKN stands for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, but rest assured that these are different conditions and require vastly different treatments.

Where is AKN found on the body?

As stated by Cleveland Clinic, AKN is found around the hair follicles on the neck and the back of the scalp [1].

Additionally, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has published a medical journal detailing the first AKN classification system [2]. This system is currently used by doctors worldwide to help classify and treat AKN. In the picture below, you can see the main target areas of AKN, as well as their different forms from discrete papules, nodules, merged papules, nodules, plaque, and tumorous mass.

AKN Classification system created by Dr. Umar, AKA The Bumpinator

How Does AKN Start?

The beginning stages of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae can be caught with red, itchy bumps, papules, or red patches of skin.

These papules often get infected due to scratching, leading to pustules – pockets of pus similar in appearance to pimples.

Further Reading

Another Successful AKN Removal Case by The Bumpinator

Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, Successfully Rids Patients of FD Permanently

Plaque AKN Removal: One Military Man’s Journey to Permanent Removal of his AKN Plaque


  1. Acne keloidalis Nuchae: What it is, causes & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22891-acne-keloidalis-nuchae. Accessed July 14, 2022.
  2. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

Large AKN Bump Removal: Amazing Before & After AKN Surgery Results

AKN Can Happen at Any Point During Adulthood: AKN is primarily known to affect people of color and can happen at any point during adulthood. What first appears to be small or large bumps on the back of the head or scalp, sometimes even mistaken as a barber’s rash, keloids, or acne, shaving bumps, AKN can quickly worsen time and grow into larger bumps that become harder to manage or treat. See more information about this patient’s large AKN bump removal below.

Suppose you suspect that you may have AKN. In that case, it is best to consult a specialized AKN dermatologist near you, such as Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, to diagnose the condition so that it does not get any worse with time.

One such example of AKN removal surgery success can be seen in this one patient who has had success with Dr. U’s Skin & Hair Clinic in Manhattan Beach, CA.

AKN can happen at any point during adulthood. Large AKN Bump Removal – Before & After AKN Surgery Results.

AKN Removal Surgery Patient Testimony:

According to this happy and satisfied patient, the staff and Dr. Umar had made him feel “very comfortable” at all points of the procedure.

“It was a pleasure having [Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator] for the operation.”

The “surgery [results] looks good, and Dr. Umar had done a great job.”

“I recommend that anyone with AKN come to Dr. Umar – he’s the best!”

VIDEO: Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator Large AKN Bump Removal Results


AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) is often mistaken for something else it is not, such as Barber’s Rash, acne, keloids, or other skin conditions.

Not all dermatologists or doctors who specialize in skin conditions are acutely aware of what AKN is and how to treat it in the best manner possible. Therefore it is best to consult a dermatologist with extensive experience in dealing with AKN to get the best results for AKN removal, whether it be post-surgery results or permanent prevention of AKN reappearance.

Fortunately, if you have come to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, you have come to the right place.

Due to Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s cutting-edge work in AKN research and treatment, from countless successful procedures of AKN removal of all kinds and severities, Dr. U was able to publish an AKN classification system that is currently used at the forefront of modern medicine to help classify and treat AKN patients worldwide, more accurately and effectively.

This AKN classification system can be seen in the diagram shown below.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

Successful AKN removal procedures such as these are always inspirational and heartwarming to see.

If you experience or suffer from AKN, know that Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has your back.

Schedule a free consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

How do I tell if it is AKN, Acne, or Barber’s Rash?

When you have small bumps on the back of your head or scalp, it could be several conditions. Although AKN is not acne or Barber’s Rash, it is a condition that is very similar to it. Yet AKN, unlike acne or barber’s rash, can quickly worsen and develop into something that is much more painful, large, and hard to manage.

In summary, it is best to consult with a qualified AKN specialist such as Dr. U to see what you have and to conclude the best treatment methods.

What causes AKN?

Many rumors have spread around the internet about how dirty razors or shears cause AKN. Many people mistakenly believe that AKN is a form of “barber’s rash.”

This is not true. Recent research states that the root cause of AKN is folliculitis. In plain terms, folliculitis is a condition of ingrown hairs that grow back into the hair root or follicle, irritating it. Although modern medicine and science are still studying the root cause of AKN extensively, it is widely concluded by doctors and scientists that AKN stems from this folliculitis and the body or scalp’s inflammation as a response to it.

In summary, AKN is caused due to ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle.

When is the best time to see a Dermatologist for AKN?

AKN is a complicated and relatively new condition. Diagnosing AKN immediately as soon as possible is crucial to prevent it from getting worse and more unmanageable. Coming to the right skin specialist who knows how to treat AKN effectively is also critical.

If you suspect that you have AKN, it is best to see a dermatologist who is an expert in treating AKN, such as Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator. You can do so immediately using the “Free Consultation” button above to schedule a free consultation and get your possible AKN bump checked so we can help resolve this issue before it gets out of hand – before the AKN becomes more painful costly, and harder to manage.

Further Reading

Dr. Pimple Popper & Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator: in Action Against a Massive AKN Bump

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Resolving the Keloid Scar Dilemma


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

Finally Free From 20+ Years of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae: Small Bumps AKN Removal

Small Bumps AKN Removal: If you have had small bumps on the back of your head that you may have mistaken for barber’s rash but keep on getting worse and worse, it may be a condition called AKN – an abbreviation for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. Known as a condition that affects men of color primarily, it is a non-fatal condition that can be painful and hard to live with, both physically and mentally. Yet if this is the case, rest assured that there are small bumps in AKN Removal procedures that can be done to get rid of this condition – but it is important to note that due to AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) being a relatively new condition in the medical world, there are only a few doctors if not many worldwide, that can help get rid of this condition permanently. One such doctor is Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as Dr. U, or The Bumpinator, for his groundbreaking work with AKN removal for his AKN patients.

One such AKN removal patient, as shown and described below, has lived with AKN for 20+ years and has gone to more than 19 different doctors and clinics, trying many different medications that did not work. Yet, after visiting Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, he received treatment at the hands of Dr. U that helped him achieve freedom from his AKN – after 20 years of hard struggle. Below is his story, as well as before and picture results, and video results, to show the progress that he has made.

Small AKN Bumps Removal, post-surgery picture results. Before & After Laser Surgery Removal Results.

From Boston to LA on a 20-Year Quest for Freedom:

According to this AKN patient, this is what living with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) for over 20 years feels like:

“It feels like living in jail because you have to live differently. You have to walk sideways and avoid people so they don’t ask you questions or think about things. For the last 20 years, I’ve carried this weight on my shoulders – and now it’s been lifted.”

“But with [this] treatment, life is changed. I’ve gained a whole new life from this now. Thank you, Dr. Umar, you have changed my life. I recommend anyone that is considering [Dr. U’s AKN removal services]. It is life-changing. There are no other words I can use. Thank you, Dr. Umar, thank you very much.”

As one of the most incredible and moving stories regarding living with AKN, AKN removal, and personal triumph over AKN, learn more and experience this one man’s determined and courageous journey in removing his painful AKN bumps with the help of Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator:

Finally Liberated From The Pain of Living with AKN for 20+ Years

Having had AKN since 1998, this man’s AKN had started slowly, with only a few little bumps here and there.

One thing led to another, and next thing you know, he went for another haircut, and another, and “before I knew it, I was 15 years, 20 years into it.”

AKN, for this man, was “something that has bothered my life. It has been quite painful and embarrassing.”

More than 19 Different Dermatologists, Countless Prescribed Medicines, With No Results

Since 1998, “I’ve seen 19+ dermatologists, some of the top-rated dermatologists in the country, and none of them had been able to fix this.”

“I even had an incident where someone prescribed me medicine that almost paralyzed my legs. It has been quite a painful journey. For example, sleeping in hotel rooms has been difficult as I bleed blood on pillowcases. At home, I have to use a different and specific pillow tailored for this (AKN).”

From 1998 – 2021: One Man’s Determined Journey to Find a Solution

“Since 1998, I have been searching for a fix – to be able to live my own life. I first discovered Dr. Umar in 2016, but I thought he was too far and too expensive I regretted doing that because I ended up taking more medications that did not work. But this past December, I decided to suck it up and visit Dr. Umar.”

The Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator: Difference in AKN Removal Results as Clear as Night & Day

“Just the difference between my first and second (AKN) treatment has been as clear as night and day.”

“What has happened to my hair and head had been unbelievable.”

To see this man’s remarkable progress regarding his AKN and his surgical AKN removal, continue below to see the before and after video results of his AKN removal before and post-treatment by Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator.

VIDEO: Before & After Small Bumps AKN Removal Laser Surgery Results


The Bumpinator AKA Dr. U Can Also Help With Natural Hair Growth

In the case of some AKN patients, the accumulative scar tissue, bumps, and other growth around the affected AKN area can result in bald spots or hair loss due to the ingrown hairs returning to the skin instead of protruding out of it. Yet Dr. U cannot only help remove the AKN bumps but also help the patient grow or regrow hair in these bald spots using natural means.

As shown in the video results above, besides this AKN patient’s successful removal of the scar tissue surrounding his AKN, he also reports hair growth in previous bald spots, which has been a result of natural medicines and topical lotions that Dr. U had recommended him – natural hair lotion, hair pomade and hair supplement “GASHEE,” formulated by Dr. Umar himself that you can find here.

As stated by the patient remarks, “I have bumps that were painful and bleeding that now almost do not even exist anymore – they are almost completely flat.”

But more so, “Hair [is now] coming out from bald spots that have been bald for the past 15-16 years.”

How Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, Combines His GASHEE Natural Hair Products & His AKN Expertise to Help Patients Recover Holistically From AKN

Can you imagine his excitement and happiness after ridding himself of painful AKN bumps that he had lived through for over 20 years?

In his own words, the now happy patient states, “I am very excited to be here today.”

Not only has his AKN bumps been successfully removed and healed by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator, but by using recommended natural hair health products Dr.UGro GASHEE, this patient was able to grow hair using natural means in areas of the scalp that are now freed from AKN keloids and growth.

Due to a combination of all of these positive improvements in his appearance and health, self-confidence, and relief, Dr.U, AKA The Bumpinator and his GASHEE Products, as well as his AKN removal services, is “something [he] recommends to anyone who has the same situation as I had.”

“GASHEE has been painless and has worked for me.”

Life After Small Bumps AKN Removal: Living Free From Pain, Fear & More

“Surprisingly, people don’t think things like this [AKN Keloid Bumps] impact life, but I have a 5-year-old who consistently, for 2 years, asked me, “Daddy, what’s wrong with your hair?”

As you can imagine, “It is a painful thing to have to explain.”

“I’ve learned to live with it, but I’m looking forward to the date where I can answer that question differently. I’m looking forward to the date that I don’t even have to worry about in my head. I don’t even worry now because literally, I slept in a hotel room yesterday, and I woke up, and there was zero nothing on the pillow!’

“That’s literally the first time since 1998 where I can sleep on a pillow and not worry about it.”

“I’m looking forward to being able to go to the public and not be afraid of it or be worried that people around me would be looking at my head like, “what’s wrong with this guy. I’m looking forward to normalization, just being normal with my son. I’m looking forward to walking down the street and people not acting like I’m some weird person. I’m looking forward to people feeling comfortable around me.”

After the treatment, this man came home and states how “My son was quite amazed and excited to see the difference after my treatment.”

“My daughter said, “Daddy, this is amazing.”

“It is liberating; life-changing; I can walk down the street and not worry about what people think about me.”

AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) is a new condition recently discovered in the medical world.

This is why small bumps AKN patients such as this man were unable to find the right doctor or treatment to successfully remove his AKN until he underwent the procedure by Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator.

Due to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator’s pioneering work in AKN, from countless successful procedures of AKN removal of all kinds and severities, Dr. U was able to publish an AKN classification system that is currently used in the forefront of modern medicine to help classify and treat AKN patients worldwide, more accurately and effectively.

This AKN classification system can be seen in the diagram shown below.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with The Bumpinator

We love to see a successful transformation happen like this!

If you are experiencing an AKN or believe you might have AKN, know that the Bumpinator is here to help. Although AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is a relatively new condition in the medical world, know that Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, is recognized worldwide as one of the pioneers of successful AKN removal methods, who has had extensive experiences and successes with AKN patients of all types and severities.

If you are experiencing bumps on the back of your head and believe it may be AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) and would like to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself, schedule a free consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

Is AKN Acne?

Although AKN is an abbreviation for “Acne Keloidalis Nuchae,” AKN is not 100% related to acne.

AKN does not occur “as a result of acne vulgaris, but rather a folliculitis” due to an ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle.

Rather than oils, dirt, or other substances blocking the pores, which happens with regular acne, AKN typically occurs due to an ingrown hair blockage of the hair follicle.

Thus, the ensuing painful and uncomfortable bumps, and scarring which generally accompany AKN, often happen due to the body’s autoimmune or natural responses to these ingrown hairs and the area surrounding these ingrown hair follicles.

Should I see a Dermatologist or Doctor for my AKN?

In one way, AKN is progressive and, for the most part, will continue to grow over time, increasing in size and complexity. Over time, your AKN can worsen and complicate to the point where treating it will be much more challenging.

Due to these factors, it is highly recommended that if you suspect you have AKN, you see a doctor or dermatologist with enough experience in successfully diagnosing and treating AKN.

Yet, it is essential to note that due to AKN being a relatively newly discovered condition in the medical world, there are not too many doctors or dermatologists who can successfully treat AKN.

If you suspect that you have AKN, it is best to see Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, immediately, using the “Free Consultation” button below to schedule a free consultation and get your AKN looked at immediately so we can help resolve this issue immediately before it gets out of hand.

Does AKN Get Worse Over Time?

Yes, AKN can develop into worse and worse conditions over time, especially if left unchecked or untreated. Due to this, AKN can become more painful and more irritating, as well as harder to treat if left untreated and unchecked.

Suppose you think you may have AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. In that case, it is best to first consult with a licensed and qualified medical professional such as Dr. Umar to understand the core nature of your condition and to help plan an effective countermeasure for it as soon as possible, before this condition gets worse or much harder to treat.

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Learn about how Dr.Bumpinator tackled this monstrous, 19-year-old AKN bump


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Surgical Laser Removal Before and After Picture Results: Major AKN Transformation in 7 Months

AKN Removal Amazing 7-Month Transformation

Say Goodbye to AKN Bumps: AKN, also known as Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, is a rare condition that may affect some men of color or men with particular hair types. If you have been dealing with this condition, do not lose hope. Although AKN is a relatively new condition that the medical world has not fully explored, Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, is here to help. If you are looking for a permanent solution to your AKN bump, such as Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Laser Surgical Removal, or perhaps other forms of AKN removal, rest assured that Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, a pioneer and expert in this relatively new field of AKN removal, has several solutions that can help you rid of these bumps. Continue below to see the before and after picture results of this particular AKN removal patient who had a severe case of AKN, helped by none other than Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself.

AKN Removal Before & After Results: 7 Months Post AKN Surgery

A licensed and experienced medical professional best does Acne Keloidalis Nuchae surgical removal with extensive experience dealing with AKN patients.

There are 2 different ways to treat AKN:

  1. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae laser removal
  2. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae radiation therapy

For the most part, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae laser removal is sufficient for most cases of AKN – but there have been cases even more severe than the patient below where AKN had to be treated using radiation therapy. In the case of the AKN patient below, Dr. U only had to use Acke Keloidalis Nuchae laser removal to remove the thick AKN scarring on the back of the patient’s head.

In 7-months’ time, this AKN patient’s transformation and AKN healing can be documented in the before and after picture results shown below:

AKN Removal Before and After Picture – Acne Keloidalis Nuchae 7-Months Post Surgery Results.

The Bumpinator & Dr. Pimple Popper: An Unstoppable Power Duo Against Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Initially, the story of this now triumphant AKN patient started with Dr. Sandra Lee, AKA Dr. Pimple Popper.

When she saw that this was a severe AKN, she contacted Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, to work together to help remove this severe case of AKN.

In this case of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae removal, it was decided that Acne Keloidalis Nuchae laser removal was necessary to remove the AKN bumps surgically and other pervasive AKN scarring found along the back of the patient’s head.

Dr. Pimple Popper and Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator were able to help remove the AKN scarring on the AKN patient’s back of the head, and the near-full recovery and hair growth that was possible afterward can be seen in the before and after picture results shown above.

In his own words, this now satisfied and happy AKN removal patient “could not be happier with the results.”

Now, this man can have complete confidence to go out in public without needing to cover up his AKN bumps with hats or other accessories.

Visit Dr. Sandra Lee AKA Dr. Pimple Popper’s Instagram Page here.

Different Types of AKN Explained: AKN Types, AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

Although AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) is a relatively new condition just recently discovered in the medical world, Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, is known for his pioneering work in AKN research, AKN removal, and more.

One such significant finding in AKN is the newly discovered AKN classification system, which was discovered, researched, and published by none other than Dr. Sanusi Umar himself:

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Although AKN is a relatively new condition in the medical world, Dr. Sanusi Umar is one of the leading experts on AKN.

With numerous cases of AKN treated successfully, ranging from light to the most severe, Dr. Umar has several options available to help treat your AKN.

To get in touch with Dr. U, follow the “free consultation” page below and click here to schedule a free consultation, or use the free consultation link here.

Click here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U has published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with The Bumpinator

We love to see a successful transformation happen like this!

If you are experiencing an AKN or believe you might have AKN, know that the Bumpinator is here to help. Although AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is a relatively new condition in the medical world, know that Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, is recognized worldwide as one of the pioneers of successful AKN removal methods, who has had extensive experiences and successes with AKN patients of all types and severities.

Whatever case you may have, Dr. U can help diagnose your condition and help guide you through the AKN removal process seamlessly – so far, he stands undefeated against all bumps!

If you are experiencing bumps on the back of your head and believe it may be AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) and would like to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself, schedule a free consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

Is AKN Acne?

Although AKN is an abbreviation for “Acne Keloidalis Nuchae,” AKN is not 100% related to acne.

AKN does not occur “as a result of acne vulgaris, but rather a folliculitis” due to an ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle.

Rather than oils, dirt, or other substances blocking the pores, which happens with regular acne, AKN typically occurs due to an ingrown hair blockage of the hair follicle.

Thus, the ensuing painful and uncomfortable bumps, and scarring which generally accompany AKN, often happen due to the body’s autoimmune or natural responses to these ingrown hairs and the area surrounding these ingrown hair follicles.

Does AKN Affect Men of All Hair Types?

AKN is a condition that develops almost exclusively in young, Black, or African American men and men of Hispanic descent.

Where Does AKN Develop?

Generally, AKN develops in the regions near the occipital scalp and posterior neck.

AKN scarring can include keloid-like bumps or outer growth of the skin in these areas, thickening of the skin affected or around the AKN, AKN bumps, other outer growth, and more.

How do I know if the bump or bumps on the back of my head is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae or just regular Acne?

In one way, AKN is progressive and, for the most part, will continue to grow over time, increasing in size and complexity.

Additionally, there is often new skin growth, or developments of skin scarring, that is unique in AKN and not found in the case of acne patients.

Suppose this is the case, and you continue to experience skin bumps, developments of pus, increased inflammation, or discomfort. In that case, it is best to have these symptoms checked by a doctor specializing in AKN treatment and removal before the condition complicates or worsens.

Does AKN Get Worse Over Time?

Due to the nature of the condition, AKN can develop into worse and worse conditions over time, especially if left unchecked or untreated.

Suppose you think you may have AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. In that case, it is best to first consult with a licensed and qualified medical professional such as Dr. Umar to understand the core nature of your condition and to help plan an effective countermeasure for it as soon as possible, before the condition gets worse or much harder to treat.

Is AKN A New Medical Condition?

AKN is a relatively new condition just discovered in the medical world, so there may not be many physicians or licensed medical professionals who may be aware of AKN and its treatment options.

It is recommended that you schedule a consultation as soon as you can with an AKN expert such as Dr. Umar to ensure that the condition does not get worse and so that measures can be taken to prevent further damage as soon as possible.

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Learn about how Dr.Bumpinator tackled this monstrous, 19-year-old AKN bump


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

AKN Bump Removal Testimonial: Patient Can Now Rock Short Hair With No More Worries

AKN Bump Removal Testimonial – Freedom from AKN: This patient struggled with AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) for quite some time. After living with an unwanted and uncomfortable AKN bump for more than a year, he finally decided it was time to free himself from this painful and itchy bump.

Fortunately, this is where Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, undefeated eliminator of all bumps, comes to the rescue.

Using various original techniques, including Athena Suture Kits and the Batman Incision Method, Dr. U, AKA Dr. Bumpinator, effectively removed the large AKN bump on the bottom back of this patient’s head.

Watch the post-surgery video below for this patient’s AKN Bump Removal Testimonial and other important information Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator, has to say regarding the procedure and recovery!

A Word From The Doctor AKA The Bumpinator – Origin Story

Dr. Umar, known by his alter-ego, The Bumpinator, is a double-licensed dermatologist and pioneer of the AKN removal method. Additionally, Dr. U is also known for his work in developing a new AKN classification system used to help improve AKN treatments. With over 25+ years of experience in the field, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, is one of a few leading surgeons experienced and able to remove these painful AKN bumps such as those seen in these pictures.

What is AKN? AKA Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

  • Although AKN affects many people from all walks of life, most people do not even know what AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) is due to it being newly discovered.
  • AKN, previously known as barber’s rash, is often mistaken by the public as something caused by dirty razors – but that is not always the case.
  • AKN occurs due to ingrown hairs in the follicle, resulting in painful and itchy bumps signifying AKN.
  • Although AKN is a relatively new topic within the medical world, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, is an experienced surgeon who can effectively treat this condition cleanly and permanently – with results you can see.

What is AKN? Learn more about Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Here

Rather than using topicals, creams, or other treatments that do not work and only irritate the skin, The Bumpinator has originated and developed a unique surgical method that can rid AKN bumps permanently and leave patients with a clean, natural-looking hairline.

In this patient’s case, Dr. U used a surgical treatment to remove the large AKN bump residing on the rear bottom of the patient’s head cleanly and effectively.

Learn more about the different services and methods Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, use to treat AKN Patients Here.

Continue below to see the before and after results post-surgery!

7 Months Post-Recovery Picture: AKN Removal Results – Before & After

AKN Removal Results: Large Bump Removal of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Before & After 7 months post-treatment, results from ATHENA Sutures Method.

Here shows a clear and dramatic difference between the patient’s rear headshot before and after the AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) Removal Procedure.

Note that this is 7 months after the patient’s AKN removal surgery.

So here in this picture, as you can see, the AKN is all gone. A scar goes from one side to the other, and the new hairline begins at the scar.

This scar defines the new hairline, and the beauty of Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s AKN Removal Procedures is that the patient can still receive a clean and natural-looking hairline post-procedure.

In this case, the patient received a natural-looking hairline with the standard hairline shape for a man.

Using The Bumpinator’s patented Athena Tension Sutures, we achieved this desired wide shape to give a more natural-looking hairline and accentuate the patient’s natural beauty.

As mentioned by Dr. U, part of the philosophy behind his successful methods stems from the fact that “It is one thing to get rid of the disease – but we want to do this in a way that is optimal.”

The Philosophy Behind Achieving Natural Beauty – A Word From Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

“We want to create a natural and healthy look – while getting rid of the disease – that gives the patient a very good chance of feeling whole – natural and normal.”

“After all, we are looking to enhance the beauty already found within ourselves – the natural innate beauty we were born with.”

As for the minor scars below, we can use a lotion to help heal and reduce the scars below.

As the now happy patient would later mention in his patient testimonial video below, “I wish I knew about this [AKN Removal Procedure] earlier – I would have done this earlier!”

When asked by Dr. U if he was satisfied with the results, the patient smiled and said he was “delighted with what I have now.”

“I appreciate all of Dr. U’s help.”

VIDEO: Large AKN Bump Patient Testimonial Post AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) Procedure, Recovery


“So far, so good,” – said The Bumpinator!

Here we have a patient testimony result where the patient and Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, discuss the finer details of the patient’s recovery, what to expect, and other important information regarding the procedure.

When Dr. U asked the patient, “what is the most relief you have found from this surgery,” he happily replied, “[My] confidence! So.”

Before, the patient remarked having to be constantly “conscious of what I was doing,” not to “bump or touch [the bump].” More so, he noted how the bump would tend to get “bloody” sometimes, and it always made him aware when “someone is standing behind,” wondering if maybe that person was looking or staring at the bump, or maybe noticed blood or pus coming out.

Yet now, the significant part of all this is that now this patient is free of all those worries – now “with this [post-procedure] – nobody cares – it is just a normal scar.”

As Dr. U stated, “it is better to have a scar than to have something like that [the AKN bump].”

As mentioned before, this patient used to grow out his hair, sporting an afro to cover up his AKN bump – but now he can easily cut his hair short without worrying about others looking or staring at the back of his head.

Now, this man can sport hair that truly fits him.

Finally, when Dr. U asked the patient what had changed in activities, he happily mentioned that now he can “get up and go” and not have to worry about having to “cover his bump.” What a feeling that is.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with The Bumpinator

The Bumpinator is here to help! And he is undefeated against all bumps! If you are experiencing bumps on the back of your head and believe it may be AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) and would like to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself, schedule a free consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

What is the cause of AKN? Is it Acne Related?

Although AKN is called “Acne Keloidalis Nuchae,” AKN is not related to acne. In short, AKN does not occur “as a result of acne vulgaris, but rather a folliculitis” due to an ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle. AKN typically develops on the occipital scalp and posterior neck and almost exclusively in young African American men or men of Hispanic descent.

How do I know if the bump or bumps on the back of my head is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae or just regular Acne?

In one way, AKN is progressive and, for the most part, will continue to grow over time, increasing in size and complexity. More so, there is often new skin growth, or developments of skin scarring, that is unique in AKN and not found in the case of acne patients. Suppose this is the case, and you continue to experience skin bumps, developments of pus, increased inflammation, or discomfort. In that case, it is best to have these symptoms checked by a doctor specializing in AKN treatment and removal.

In summary, there is no way for a person to know for sure on their own. It is recommended that you schedule a consultation as soon as possible with an AKN expert to ensure that the condition does not get worse and that measures can be taken to prevent further damage as soon as possible.

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Learn about how Dr.Bumpinator tackled this monstrous, 19-year-old AKN bump


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

Witness One Man’s Journey in Getting Rid of Painful AKN Bumps

Painful AKN Bump Removal – A Step Towards Freedom: This story begins with a man who began to experience symptoms of AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) about a year and a half ago. From trying multiple over-the-counter medicines and prescribed topicals that did not work, this man was able to make a transformative journey when he met Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator. Read on below and watch this man’s AKN Bump Removal Testimonial Video, where Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, discusses recovery and results post-AKN surgery and what you can expect from this procedure.

Painful AKN Bump Removal: One Man’s Journey

Just as you might imagine, living with AKN is not easy.

As the patient recounted, what was once a few minor bumps, grew bigger and bigger. Soon enough, it was something that could not simply be ignored.

It was time to get help.

“It Felt Like Something Was Holding Me Back”

Like many AKN patients, this patient described his experience living with AKN bumps as “feeling trapped,” as if this condition was “holding him back” from fully living and being himself without judgment from others.

Living With a Painful Secret

On a day-to-day basis, the patient described dealing with AKN as similar to the feeling of “hiding, like hiding a secret – a secret that is painful and itchy.”

It was not comfortable living with AKN – and one of the ways this patient would try to hide his AKN bumps was by getting a face mask and putting it on the back of his head, just so that “no one would see it and ask.”

More so, he emphasized how he did not like for people to look at his AKN bump. Answering strangers’ questions regarding his bump and feeling their comments was not a comfortable feeling, as one can imagine.

After trying pills and topical creams that do not work, he noticed his AKN bump getting bigger and worse. 

Then, the patient decided that he had to do something about this – now!

So like many of us, he went online for answers.

At first, he went to Dr. Pimple Popper, who referred him to Dr. Umar.

And so began the first few steps towards AKN recovery.

The Bumpinator to the Rescue: AKN Removal Results

AKN Patient Pre Removal Picture Acne Keloidalis Nuchae – Dr. Bumpinator

A Word From The Doctor AKA The Bumpinator – The Man Behind The Myth

Dr. Umar, also known as The Bumpinator, is a dermatologist and pioneer of the AKN removal method. With over 25+ years of experience in the field, including developing research to help classify different types of AKN, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, is one of a few surgeons experienced and able to remove painful AKN bumps such as these seen on this patient.

Although AKN is a reasonably new condition just recently discovered in the modern medical world, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has originated several processes and methods to help permanently remove AKN bumps safely, effectively, and cleanly.

More About AKN: What is AKN? To learn more about AKN, a newly discovered disease often mistaken for a “Barber’s Rash,” visit this page here.

Learn more about Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s services and methods for AKN removal here.

Rather than using topicals or creams or other treatments that do not work and only irritate the skin, The Bumpinator has originated a particular surgical method and recovery process that can rid AKN bumps permanently and leave patients with a clean, natural-looking hairline.

In this patient’s case, Dr. U used a surgical treatment to remove the large AKN bump on the rear bottom of the patient’s head cleanly and effectively.

Continue below to see the before and after results post-surgery!

The Day of the Surgery

When asked before his surgery, “what do you expect or hope for from this procedure,” the patient mentioned, “hopefully, it’s going to be gone.”

The patient elaborated on how living with AKN has been “stressful” and that if the AKN bump was gone, “it’s going to give me my self-esteem back, my confidence.”

Three Months Post-Surgery: A Clean Look & A Dashing Hairline

AKN Removal: Patient Before and After Surgery Results via Bumpinator AKA Dr. U.

Using various original surgical methods, including the Athena Suture Kits and the Batman Incision Method, Dr. U, AKA Dr. Bumpinator, effectively removed the large AKN bump on the bottom back of the patient’s head.

More so, Dr. U was able to form closure in the back of the head, which gave the patient a clean, natural-looking hairline.

Note the back excision, which was carefully and deliberately done to create a natural-looking and masculine hairline – similar to a wide “V” shape. This is desired as it creates a hairline that seems natural and pleasant to the human eye.

As mentioned by Dr. U, part of the philosophy behind his successful methods stems from the fact that “It is one thing to get rid of the disease – but we want to do this in a way that is optimal.”

“We want to create a natural and healthy look – while getting rid of the disease – that gives the patient a good chance of feeling whole – natural and normal.”

After all, we are looking to enhance the beauty already found within ourselves – the innate natural beauty we were born with.

VIDEO: Watch This Man’s Transformative Post-Surgery Results for AKN – What to Expect & Testimonial

In 3 months post-surgery, much of the patient’s wounds have closed and healed as expected.

As Dr. U noted, more healing is expected, in this case, up to 3-6 months post-surgery, but everything has been moving great.

When asked how he feels now, 3 months after surgery, the patient notes that he “felt great.”

Happy and confident, the patient was ready to tackle the world with his new innate freedom and confidence.

He specifically mentioned how he feels much better now and is “able to get out more.”

More so, the patient reports now how “having confidence is a great feeling.”

Just imagine what it feels like to be able to move around publicly with this new boost in self-confidence!

Before & After AKN Removal: A Boost in Confidence

Before the surgery, the patient would state how he felt “a whole lot of irritation” on the back of his head and scalp and that his AKN bump made him “feel some type of way.”

Back then, the patient would try to wear hats to cover his bump – but now, he no longer has to worry about that.

Finally, when asked by Dr. U, “if you were to do this again – would you do it?”

The patient replied: “of course, no doubt, it’s been amazing – an amazing experience.”

“I would recommend anyone to see Dr. U if you have this condition – do not let it get any worse – because the more time you take, the worse it’s going to get.”

“Just come in and see what you can do with the doctor – hope you guys can work something out.”

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with The Bumpinator

If you are experiencing bumps on the back of your head and believe it may be AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) and would like to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself, schedule a free consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

I Heard that AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) Only Affects Men of Color. Is This True?

Yes, AKN, also known as Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, primarily affects young black men, although there have also been many cases of AKN found in male patients of Hispanic descent.

AKN is a reasonably new subject in modern medicine, and from studies of what we have now, we can safely conclude that AKN is caused by ingrown hair follicles and the body, skin, and immune system’s reaction toward these ingrown hairs. This seems to particularly affect men of color due to curly or afro-textured hair having a significantly higher chance of being ingrown and stuck within these hair follicles, resulting in inflammation, new skin growth, bacteria, or pus, and other commonly seen symptoms of AKN.

Is There a Limit to How Big AKN Bumps Can Get?

AKN is a progressive condition that can continue to grow and worsen over time in terms of depth and area affected. Although this patient does show a noticeable bump within his rear occipital region near the back of his neck, there have been worse cases of AKN seen and treated by Dr. U, AKA  The Bumpinator. Although AKN bumps within this size are uncommon, leaving your AKN bumps untreated will often lead to a worsening condition that will take more time and resources to treat. As with any problem, it is best to resolve it immediately as soon as possible. Due to the ongoing nature of the condition, it is highly recommended that patients suffering from AKN contact an AKN expert such as Dr. U immediately to minimize the growth of AKN and treat it before it gets any worse.

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

This Man Can Now Keep His Hair Short With No Worries! Another Heartwarming AKN Testimonial


  1. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  2. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

How This Big Lucky AKN Bear Overcame His Breaking Point – Part 1

The story of Dr.Bumpinator’s patient, Robert Peeters represents an extreme and unique case of severe AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae)  which he struggled with for nearly 20 years. His major turning point on this journey came when he discovered the work of Dr.Bumpinator.

Continue to the video below to witness the beginning of one man’s remarkable journey of personal transformation.

VIDEO: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae – The Story of Bob – Part 1

When It All Started

Robert (aka @thebigluckybear on Instagram) had a very normal childhood. He was just like all the other kids.

AKN patient’s mother proudly shows a picture of what he looked like as a toddler

However, things changed at age  10 when small bumps started to appear on the back of his neck. Doctors thought they were warts. They did not know that these seemingly harmless bumps were actually the initial signs of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. As a result of this misdiagnosis, Robert’s condition grew progressively worse.

Between the ages of 14-16, Robert started experiencing baldness as his AKN continued to spread throughout his scalp, contributing to a condition known as CVG (Cutis Verticis Gyratum). He also developed a different form of follicular inflammation known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, along with severe rhinophyma.

Different dermatologists prescribed Accutane, antibiotics, and all types of steroids.

Yet, not one of them was able to offer surgery as a way to actually remove the worsening bump outgrowths.

Things Change For the Better – Meeting Dr.Bumpinator

Robert discusses his experience with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Robert felt terribly dismayed as his condition continued to get worse. Discharge and bleeding became issues for his choice of clothing (e.g. no white shirts) as well as bedding. Constant itching kept him up at night. Also, his condition adversely affected his professional and personal life. Uncomfortable social interactions became a regular part of his existence (e.g. children noticing and commenting, adults shying away from him, etc.).

Though he enjoys camping, hunting, and fishing, Robert’s severe AKN condition required that he remain in the city where he has easy access to hot running water and soap to keep up with his hygiene routine.

Robert’s AKN breaking point



Scar tissue destroyed many of the hair follicles on this AKN patient’s scalp

Inflammation associated with Robert’s conditions caused a back-of-the-head appearance that made him feel self-conscious.


Robert’s life started to change for the better when he learned that the term, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae applied to his condition. He decided to find a doctor who specialized in the removal of AKN. After conducting a search on You Tube, he discovered the doctor who would be able to actually help him, Dr. Bumpinator himself whom he described as “the only doctor who had the actual procedure done” and the only doctor that he noticed “who was actually physically treating the disease.”


Surgically removing the unwanted tissue growths on his head would pave the way for a more normal-looking appearance.

Dr.Bumpinator’s first line of attack was to assuage Robert’s symptoms and discomfort and observe how his condition would respond. He prescribed the following medications.

  • Antibiotics
  • An anti-inflammatory known as Colchicine
  • Finasteride

He also recommended a topical formulation of Turmeric to help reduce some of the inflammation associated with Robert’s condition.

Though radiation is used in cancer treatment, it can also be used in the treatment of AKN for certain situations, like Robert’s.

After seeing no improvement, Dr.Bumpinator had Robert undergo radiation treatment to help destroy unwanted tissue. This was then followed by surgery.

The next phase of Robert’s treatment and personal transformation would involve the physical removal of his AKN, CVG, and pseudofolliculitis barbae.

Beyond this, Dr.Bumpinator also wanted to help this special patient achieve a normal-looking appearance so that he could start to experience life just like everyone else.

See what happens next in Part II of Robert’s journey with Dr.Bumpinator here.

Do You Suffer from Painful Bumps on Your Scalp or Back Head, Neck Area?

If you suspect that you have unwanted bumps, small or large, around your scalp area, or on the back of your head or neck, please feel free to consult with Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator – some of these conditions, such as AKN, can be a relentless disease. It can easily worsen if left untreated, and still worsen if treated improperly through improper means.

With Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator, you rest assured that with over 20+ years of experience as a double licensed dermatologist and pioneer in the field of AKN research and surgery, Dr. U has got you covered.

If you suspect that you have any of these painful or annoying bumps on the back of your head, schedule a free video consultation with Dr. U using the button below.

This Man No Longer Stresses About Military Shaved Head Regulations, Thanks to Dr. Bumpinator’s AKN Removal

This gentleman, a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, developed AKN bumps on the back of his scalp. Due to military shaved head requirements, these tissue lesions became a major source of distress. After undergoing failed treatment at a different provider, he then decided to seek help from none other than Dr.Bumpinator himself.



Before Photos – A Growing AKN Problem Prevents This Patient From Having A “Career Must” Military Crew Cut

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bumps started to grow and merge on the lower part of this patient’s scalp, forming an awkward-looking region of thick, bumpy collagen.

Contrary to urban myth, this had nothing to do with dirty clippers. According to Dr. Bumpinator, AKN is a genetically predisposed condition that causes the skin to react adversely to a close razor shave.

Due to his Acne Keloidalis Nuchae lesion, this patient would not be able to wear his hair short, according to military shaved head requirements. His condition became an issue for his career path in the military.

Although another provider had prescribed Accutane, a toxic oral medication recommended for acne vulgaris (i.e., common acne), this treatment did not eliminate this patient’s AKN bumps.


The patient’s AKN lesions would show through a short military-style haircut.

The patient’s genetic predisposition led to the development of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bumps.


Procedure Photos – Removing Troublesome Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Bumps- Meeting Military Haircut Regulations

One of the reasons why Dr.Bumpinator succeeds in permanently removing AKN where others fail is that he classifies each patient case to pair them with the right surgical method. He can achieve permanent, long-term remission (i.e., bumps do not come back), whereas standard conventional treatments only keep the AKN at bay.

For this particular patient case, Dr.Bumpinator decided to apply a surgical technique that he developed at his clinic, along with a proprietary tool that he invented [1]. Here he is at work.



Dr. Bumpinator assesses the affected AKN region on the back of this patient’s head.

Measuring the AKN tissue relative to scalp landmarks such as the occipital notch is an important step.


Dr. Bumpinator at work to remove the patient’s Acne Keloidalis Nuchae once and for all.

Before and After Photos – Dr.Bumpinator’s Natural Looking Signature Scar Replaces This Patient’s AKN Worries

Dr.Bumpinator’s special surgical approach not only eliminated the unwanted AKN tissue but also left a clean linear scar aligned with the patient’s posterior hairline. See his before and after photos below.

A straight, clean linear scar now replaces the former AKN region.




Dr.Bumpinator made sure that the edges of the patient’s AKN surgery wound closed into a natural-looking scar.

Dr.Bumpinator’s final linear scar aligns inconspicuously with the patient’s posterior hairline.

VIDEO – No More Military Shaved Head Career Stress Thanks to Dr.Bumpinator’s Triumphant AKN Removal

Watch the video below to learn more about this military patient’s journey with AKN and the feedback he provides about his experience with Dr.Bumpinator.

Military Man Seeks AKN Removal By Dr. Bumpinator
Military Man Seeks AKN Removal By Dr. Bumpinator

Frequently Asked Questions – Needing to Meet Military Crew Cut Regulations? What to Know About Treating Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Why do drugs not work for treating AKN?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is a condition where the skin overreacts and profusely produces collagen. Drugs can’t subtract or eliminate this unwanted tissue. They can only address the issue of inflammation and symptoms of discomfort, such as pain, itching, and swelling.

It seems that everyone says that dirty razor clippers cause razor bumps and Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.  Is this actually true?

AKN can develop whether or not the clippers used are clean or dirty. The real cause is not bacteria or microbes but how your skin reacts to the ingrowth of hair. This response is different from person to person and determined by genetics.

Are there any at-home treatments or over-the-counter products that can help with AKN?

Unfortunately no. Again, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is really a condition that is contingent on how your skin behaves and responds to ingrown hair shafts. No topical treatment, kitchen ingredient, or DIY formulation can change this.


  1. Umar, Sanusi et al. “Innovative Surgical Approaches and Selection Criteria of Large Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Lesions.” Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open vol. 7,5 e2215. 16 May. 2019

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