Get Rid of Plaques Behind Back of Head: AKN Plaque Removal Results by The Bumpinator

Published on July 14, 2022. Last Updated on June 11, 2024.

AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, commonly abbreviated as AKN, is a condition that affects men of color and can result in small to large painful bumps on the back of the head. Left untreated, these bumps can worsen over time.

In the case of this AKN patient, his AKN has advanced to a large, painful plaque on the back of his head.

After much research, he came to Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic to meet with Dr. Umar, also known as Dr. U or The Bumpinator, to terminate his AKN bumps and AKN plaque once and for all.

See the amazing before and after results in the image and YouTube video below.

Bumpinator AKN Plaque Removal Results – Before and After Surgical Removal by Dr. U

AKN Plaque Removal Before and After Patient Results – Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic*

Note the clean finish The Bumpinator was able to accomplish for this patient. The clean, natural, and masculine-looking hairline directly result from careful surgical experience combined with The Bumpinator’s original AKN removal methods unique to this clinic.

VIDEO: Back of Head AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against The Bumpinator!

Open the YouTube video to see more before and after video results of this patient’s remarkable transformation! You can also follow our channel on YouTube for more Bumpinator content.

Free Yourself From Unwanted AKN Plaques & AKN Bumps – Contact The Bumpinator Today

AKN can be painful, both mentally and physically.

Treating and removing AKN as soon as possible is essential, so it does not worsen.

Would you like to know what it feels like to live freely? Without constant pain and worry?

Many patients have reported that after AKN removal, a “weight” has been lifted – both physically and mentally, as they are now free from the constant pain of living with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.

Suppose you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head. In that case, it is best to discuss this with a licensed and experienced dermatologist such as Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, who has extensive experience diagnosing and dealing with this tough-to-beat condition.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

What does AKN look like?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchael (AKN) can appear as:

  1. Red patches on the skin
  2. Papules
  3. Plaques
  4. Pustules

These bumps, plaques, and papules can sometimes appear acne-like, but AKN is a condition that is entirely different from acne.

This may be confusing for some, as AKN stands for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, but rest assured that these are different conditions and require vastly different treatments.

Where is AKN found on the body?

As stated by Cleveland Clinic, AKN is found around the hair follicles on the neck and the back of the scalp [1].

Additionally, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has published a medical journal detailing the first AKN classification system [2]. This system is currently used by doctors worldwide to help classify and treat AKN. In the picture below, you can see the main target areas of AKN, as well as their different forms from discrete papules, nodules, merged papules, nodules, plaque, and tumorous mass.

AKN Classification system created by Dr. Umar, AKA The Bumpinator

How Does AKN Start?

The beginning stages of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae can be caught with red, itchy bumps, papules, or red patches of skin.

These papules often get infected due to scratching, leading to pustules – pockets of pus similar in appearance to pimples.

Further Reading

Another Successful AKN Removal Case by The Bumpinator

Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, Successfully Rids Patients of FD Permanently

Plaque AKN Removal: One Military Man’s Journey to Permanent Removal of his AKN Plaque


  1. Acne keloidalis Nuchae: What it is, causes & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed July 14, 2022.
  2. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 November 2021].