Dissecting Cellulitis Treatment

Dissecting Cellulitis (DC) is a long-term cicatricial (scarring) form of alopecia (hair loss) characterized by abscesses and keloids on the infected areas.

This condition has no cure; however, dermatologists recommend various treatment methods to manage the keloids and pus-filled lesions that occur as the condition progresses.

In rare cases, patients with severe scalp problems may simultaneously exhibit DC, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN), and Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG) symptoms.

A patient exhibiting Dissecting Cellulitis (DC), Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN), and Cutis Verticis Gyrata (CVG).

Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, devised a way to permanently eliminate the DC condition, which is particularly suitable for patients with other underlying conditions.

A Smarter and Better Surgery Treatment for DC with the Bumpinator

There are three ways to treat DC:

  •         Surgical Treatment

Surgically removing DC lesions from an infected scalp can leave extensive scarring. Dr. Umar devised an innovative and less invasive way to permanently treat DC through surgical excisions and uniquely closing up the wounds to acquire quality esthetic results.

Dr. Bumpinator’s methods are thorough to prevent reoccurrence and leave minimal scarring after treatment. Using his patented Athena Suture Kits, The Bumpinator successfully eliminates DC permanently.

  •         Laser Removal

Dr. Bumpinator employs the use of laser therapy to treat DC to reduce the side effects that result from prolonged use of medications and systemic treatments. 

  •         Radiation Therapy

In cases where patients have severe DC, Dr. Umar uses radiation therapy.

Dr. Sanusi Umar, aka Dr. Bumpinator, uses these as well as many innovative treatments he developed himself to accomplish the goal of long-term relief for DC patients with minimal side effects and footprints. Patients travel from all corners of the globe to receive treatment under Dr. Bumpinator’s care, following stories like the one in the case of Kevin.

The case highlighted in the video below shows a severe Dissecting Cellulitis covering the entire scalp.


Why is it Hard to Treat Dissecting Cellulitis (DC) Condition Permanently?

Current medications and topical steroids used in the treatment of DC provide temporary solutions. Patients have ended up in Dr. Umar’s clinic after failed attempts to remove the condition.

A common observation among patients under the Bumpinator’s care is the misdiagnosis of DC and AKN as razor bumps or a form of dermatitis, which leads to prolonged treatment with poor results.

Patient Selection Criteria Developed by Dr. Bumpinator

Some patients exhibit severe DC that require unique treatment methods, tailor-made as advised by a specialist after a careful diagnosis.

The patient depicted in the images below has a severe case of DC. He has been receiving treatment under Dr.Umar’s care to manage the condition using surgical treatment, radiation, and laser treatment.

This patient underwent treatment from different doctors, from monthly injections to unending follow-up visits to the hospital, and the condition worsened with time instead of improving.

A patient with a very severe case of dissecting cellulitis. He is currently receiving laser treatment under the care of Dr. Umar to manage symptoms.

If you notice signs that resemble those of Dissecting Cellulitis (DC), it is advisable to consult a certified board dermatologist like Dr. Sanusi Umar. Learn more about Dissecting Cellulitis (DC) here. 


To book a free consultation with Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. Bumpinator, click the button below. 

                                                                            FREE CONSULTATION  


KRASNER, BRETT D., et al. “Dissecting Cellulitis Treated with the Long-Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser.” Dermatologic Surgery, vol. 32, no. 8, Aug. 2006, pp. 1039–1044, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1524-4725.2006.32227.x. Accessed 15 Feb. 2021.

Umar, Sanusi, et al. “Refractory Folliculitis Decalvans Treatment Success with a Novel Surgical Excision Approach Using Guarded High-Tension Sutures.” Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, vol. Volume 16, 1 Sept. 2023, pp. 2381–2390, https://doi.org/10.2147/ccid.s422077.

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What is Dissecting Cellulitis?

What is Dissecting Cellulitis? Dissecting Cellulitis (DC), also known as Hoffman disease, is a chronic (long-term) inflammatory scalp disorder that causes abscesses and keloids that lead to patchy hair loss and cicatricial (scarring) alopecia (destruction of hair follicles).

Dissecting cellulitis is incurable; however, somebody can manage symptoms to reduce pain and provide comfort.

DC is part of the follicular occlusion triad, where three diseases occur simultaneously. The other inflammatory diseases are acne conglobate (nodulocystic acne) and hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa).

The disease is most prominent in young adult black males but can, however, affect people of all races, ages, and sex.

What Causes Dissecting Cellulitis?

Specialists are working to determine the main cause of DC and establish why it affects some people and not others.

In this disorder, blocked hair follicles swell up and eventually rupture, causing inflammation underneath the skin.

Secondary Infection

The pus formed in the scalp following the follicle bursts becomes infected with bacteria over time, leading to further surface infections, hair loss, and scarring.

DC is often attributed as hereditary, but the disease rarely occurs in multiple family members. A small number of patients from the same family have experienced DC in the past, which leaves room for the assumption that genes play a role in the disease.  

Symptoms of Dissecting Cellulitis

DC, which starts as blocked hair follicles, worsens with time, with various signs and symptoms manifesting at the onset and later stages of the disease if not treated on time.

Early Symptoms

The most common onset symptoms include:

  • Swollen pimples on the scalp
  • Pus-filled painful lesions
  • Hair loss patches

Symptoms noticed in fewer cases:

  • Fever and swollen lymph nodes

Late Symptoms

  • Bleeding lesions
  • Permanent hair loss (fails to grow back after homecare treatments)
  • Wormlike skin fold between lesions
  • Scarring

If you exhibit the above symptoms, it is essential to seek immediate dermatology consultation, as they may indicate DC disease.

How is Dissecting Cellulitis Diagnosed?

Dermatologists usually diagnose DC through physical examinations of the scalp or infected areas. To further ascertain a DC diagnosis, they may swab pus (if the symptoms are at a later stage) or take scalp biopsies for histologic analysis.

Consult certified specialists and explain your symptoms in detail to avoid a misdiagnosis. 

What Does it Look Like?

A patient with a very severe case of dissecting cellulitis. He is currently receiving laser treatment under the care of Dr. Umar to manage symptoms.

What Treatments Are Available for Dissecting Cellulitis?

Once diagnosed, there are several recommended approaches to treating DC. As an incurable chronic condition, strategies have been put in place to manage active symptoms such as pain, hair loss, and lesions.


There are three kinds of supplements used to manage DC:

  • Antibiotic oral supplements to fight infection. It is often recommended for long-term use to prevent relapse.
  • Steroid supplements are used in the short term to manage inflammation. They should be avoided in the long run to prevent severe side effects.
  • Oral retinoids help reduce follicle blockage and reduce acne. Retinoids cannot be purchased over the counter. Patients require a prescription from a certified dermatologist.

WARNING: Pregnant mothers are advised to refrain from retinoid use, which may cause extensive damage to the unborn child.

Topical Steroids

These are substances applied directly to the affected areas to reduce scalp inflammation. Examples include gels, lotions, ointments, and creams. These can be combined with topical antimicrobials and antiseptic scalp washes to reduce bacterial levels.


Specialists may surgically drain large boils or painful abscesses to manage them by excising. Additionally, they can cut open the inflamed areas.

Surgical removal of the entire scalp skin is an extreme procedure and could be one of the most effective methods to manage DC. However, this procedure is for specific patients with severe cases. If the patient requests it, the doctor may follow other treatment methods for better results. 

Note: This exercise may leave scarring.

Other Treatments

  • Laser hair removal may lead to permanent hair loss.
  • Laser treatment to smoothen the scalp.
  • Radiation. 
  • Light treatment (photodynamic therapy). The procedure is slightly painful and might cause crusting. 
  • Steroid Injections are administered directly to affected areas. They are a painful procedure but have fewer side effects than steroid tablets.


  • Avoid smoking or tobacco use. Research findings have linked tobacco to cause DC.
  • Follow instructions and medications as directed.
  • Use medically approved products on your hair and scalp.
  • Maintain a normal, healthy diet.
  • Do regular check-ups with your specialist. 

A severe case of Dissecting Cellulitis (DC)

Dissecting Cellulitis (DC) and Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN)

Dissecting Cellulitis can, in rare cases, coexist with other scalp and hair disorders.

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, also known as AKN, is a skin disorder characterized by small or large bumps, often on the back of the head. Although common in males of African-American ethnicity, AKN can also affect people of other races.

AKN is often mistaken or misdiagnosed as razor bumps or keloidal conditions. It is far worse if left untreated. Use this link to ensure you get a diagnosis from a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Sanusi Umar: https://dru.com/hair-free-consultation/

Some patients with severe scalp conditions may exhibit symptoms of both DC, AKN, and CVG (cutis verticis gyrata, a rare disorder common in males, characterized by deep skin folds on the scalp) due to overlapping risk factors. 

Additionally, multifaceted treatment is applied to ensure DC, AKN, and CVG are managed effectively. 

A patient with severe cutis verticis gyrata (CVG), acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), and dissecting cellulitis (DC) conditions. He is currently receiving treatment under the care of Dr. Umar to manage symptoms. Notice the small and large bumps at the back of his head and the furrow-like appearance on the center of the scalp.


Dissecting Cellulitis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Fatal?

Dissecting Cellulitis is not a deadly disease.

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Contagious?

No. Dissecting Cellulitis is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another.

Is Dissecting Cellulitis Curable?

No. It is incurable but can be managed.

How Can I Treat Dissecting Cellulitis?

You can complete a free consultation for your scalp condition with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Sanusi Umar using this link: https://dru.com/hair-free-consultation/ or the free consultation button below.



Hintze, J. M., Howard, B. E., Donald, C. B., & Hayden, R. E. (2016). Surgical Management and Reconstruction of Hoffman’s Disease (Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp). Case Reports in Surgery, 2016, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2123037

Tran, A. X., Lefante, J. J., & Murina, A. (2022). Risk factors for dissecting cellulitis of the scalp: A case-control study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 86(4), 941–943. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2021.03.076