Published on March 23, 2022. Last Updated on June 27, 2024.
Severe AKN Removal Results:
If you haven’t read the 1st part of Robert’s incredible journey, you can find it here.
The story of Robert Peeters is one of hope, determination, and endurance of the powerful human spirit.
Robert Peeters represents an extreme and unique case of severe AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae), which he had struggled with for nearly 20 years.
His breakthrough on this long journey finally arrived when he discovered the work of Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as The BUMPINATOR.

Finding Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, from YouTube as one of the few doctors who had specialized in AKN – from research to actual physical surgery,
Robert Peeters finally found hope for recovery.
In the previous article and video episode, Dr. U prescribed Robert several medications and treatments to treat his discomfort. Some of which include:
- Antibiotics
- An anti-inflammatory is known as Colchicine
- Finasteride
- Turmeric
Yet, it seemed that these medications had little effect on Robert.
To help this particular patient achieve a normal-looking appearance, it was time for Dr. Bumpinator to resort to surgery, coupled with radiation therapy, to help Robert’s physical removal of his AKN, CVG, and Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. The severe AKN removal results of this extraordinary transformation and cutting-edge procedures can be seen in the video below.
VIDEO: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae: A New Hope – The Story of Bob Part 2 out of 4
In the video above, you can see the fantastic results of radiation therapy on Robert’s condition.
The Powerful Results of Radiation Therapy

Severe AKN Removal Results: As shown in the video above, the volume and height of Robert’s lesions have decreased.
The skin is much more supple, and the skin on the back of the head is much more supple – in short, the treatment had been a significant success!
Robert had avoided going out in public for a long time since he was little, but now he does not feel that way anymore.
Turning 40 next year, he finally feels much more at ease going out in public.
Now, he finally feels more like an average person who can walk around comfortably in his skin.
But to fully combat Robert’s complete condition, radiation therapy itself would not be enough.
It was time for Robert to undergo surgery with Dr. Umar to excise his side lesion.
Underneath the Knife – Lesion Removal Results by Dr. Sanusi Umar AKA The Bumpinator

This is a dangerous zone as nerves on the side of the head are very important and sensitive.
In the video, you can see the surgery process of how Dr. Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, removed the left temple mass. A picture of Dr. Umar surgically removing the side lesion can be seen below.

Using the patent-pending, Dr. Umar-invented Athena Tension Sutures, Dr. Umar created a tight tension seal on the recent wound to remove the side lesion, as shown below.

What’s Next for Robert’s Remarkable Journey
Now that the primary side lesion is gone, Dr. Umar plans to wait for the healing of the scar.
Once that is over, Dr. Umar is looking to help with Robert’s razor bumps treatment and rhinophyma surgery for Robert’s nose.
Once all that is set and done, Robert is excited to finally see what he can do and move on with his life to better, more incredible things!
You can also follow Robert’s incredible transformative journey on his Instagram at @thebigluckybear.
See what happens next in Part III of Robert’s journey with Dr.Bumpinator.
Do You Suffer from Painful Bumps on Your Scalp or Back Head, Neck Area?
If you suspect that you have unwanted bumps, small or large, around your scalp area or on the back of your head or neck, please feel free to consult with Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator – some of these conditions, such as AKN, can be a relentless disease. It can quickly worsen if left untreated and still worsen if treated improperly through improper means.
With Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, you are assured that with over 20+ years of experience as a double licensed dermatologist and pioneer in AKN research and surgery, Dr. U has got you covered.
If you suspect that you have any of these painful or annoying bumps on the back of your head, schedule a free video consultation with Dr. U using the button below.