Dr. Pimple Popper and Dr. Bumpinator Take on a Stubborn Keloid: It Takes a Village

When a 28-year-old patient named Robert turned to Dr. Sandra Lee, AKA Dr.Pimple Popper, to remove the keloid scars on the back head and another on the left earlobe, Dr.Pimple Popper was shocked at the size and shape of the keloidal mass on his head. She quickly realized she’d need to enlist Dr. Umar, AKA Dr.Bumpinator, for help. 

Dealing with It Since 9 Years-Old

Robert’s keloid scar on the back of his head had started forming when he got his ears pierced at 18. The one on the back of his head dated even older. When he was 9-10 years old, Robert had an accident and injured his head with a glass table. After he got medical help for it and the sutures were removed, that’s when the keloid started forming. Initially, it was only the size of a penny, and Robert figured he could get it surgically removed.

However, it turned out to be more complicated than that. Robert had to get five surgeries because every time doctors would attempt to remove the keloid scars, they would come back even more aggressively and invade more of his scalp. With each time, he was losing more hope of ever being free from the keloid lesions.

Figure 1 Robert’s big keloid bump started developing when he was only 9 years old. *


Robert didn’t like how he would get stares and judgemental looks because of his keloids. He covered it daily by putting his braids in a ponytail and then spreading the ponytail over the bigger keloidal growth to ensure it wouldn’t be so apparent from the back. But trying to hide the keloids from the world every single day felt tiring and humiliating.  


A Job for Two


While the keloid on Roger’s ear was something Dr. Lee wouldn’t have a problem removing, she judged that the one on his back was outside the scope of her practice routine. 

It was essential to remove the mass, but an equally important objective was to ensure the keloid wouldn’t return again. 

Dr. Lee knew just who to reach out to for the job.


Resourceful Dr. Pimple Popper Calls Dr. Bumpinator

Dr. Sanusi Umar (aka Dr.Bumpinator) is a world-renowned dermatologist and head of scalp and hair disorders at Harbor – UCLA medical center and owner of the Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach California has developed several innovative surgical techniques to help sufferers of AKN and keloid bumps fight the battle effectively.

When Dr. Sandra Lee sent Dr. Umar photos of Robert’s keloids, Dr. Umar felt he’d be able to help the young man finally be free of the serpentine keloidal mass.


Figure 2  Dr. Umar sees Robert’s keloid in person for the first time. On the right: Dr. Sandra Lee, AKA Dr. Pimple Popper.*


However, when the day of the procedure arrived and both Dr. Lee and Robert – along with his girlfriend, arrived, Robert’s case proved to be particularly challenging.

“Looking at Robert’s keloid for the first time, I felt totally stumped. Robert doesn’t have any laxity on his scalp, so what will it take to make sure the keloid doesn’t come back this time” wondered Dr. Bumpinator.

Another worry about the case was how well the scar would heal and whether the scar healing itself would trigger another keloid regrowth or not. Dr. Pimple Popper explains how the wider the base of the keloid, the harder it is to cover up the wound in a way so that the scar heals in an esthetically acceptable way, but there isn’t too much tension to aggravate the area and prompt the keloid to grow back.


Is Sixth Time the Charm?

During the procedure, Robert was to stay awake. Dr. Umar and Dr. Sandra Lee thought there was no need to put him under general anesthesia. It would be best to keep the patient awake – he’d be aware of the procedure and could communicate any questions or concerns he might have.

Dr. Umar’s strategy for the case was to use a multitude of techniques. This was to ensure the keloid didn’t stand a chance. In other words, he strategically planned out an attack on all fronts. Dr. Umar decided to employ four advanced and unique techniques after discussing those with Robert and getting his consent.

The first technique employed for the procedure was using the Athena suture guards, invented by Dr. Bumpinator. Those guards diffuse tension so that the sutures themselves don’t put too much stress on the operation site or cut the tissue by pulling too much. If the pressure from the sutures pulling the scalp is too high, that may trigger the keloid to regrow, which Dr. Umar and Dr. Sandra Lee were trying to prevent.

Next, Dr. Umar will extract fat from Robert’s abdomen and process it into micronized form called nanofat. The nano fat would be injected into the keloid-removal wound to promote optimal healing. The stem cells in the nano fat would influence the healing process favorably. “Those stem cells influence how the area behaves for the next few weeks and promote optimal wound healing,” said Dr. Umar. 

This Could’ve Potentially Been a Problem

The third innovative technique for minimizing the chance of keloid recurring proposed by Dr. Bumpinator involves the application of an extracellular matrix. This matrix is derived from the porcine (Pig) bladder. This has the potential to minimize scar formation. However, with Dr. Pimple Popper, he decided first to consult Robert about how he feels about using pig products in his body. The two doctors are mindful of the possible religious/ethical conflicts some may have about using pig products such as the extracellular matrix called Acell. The use of porcine products may be of concern to strict observers of kosher or halal restrictions. Fortunately, Robert confirmed that he was okay with using the extracellular matrix. 

Finally, the 4th technique was to have Robert undergo radiation treatment to be administered locally to the wound created by the keloid removal. Dr. Umar and Dr. Sandra Lee decided that to add another layer of assurance that the keloid wouldn’t grow back, it would be best for Robert to undergo three rounds of radiation. Keloids are essentially non-cancerous tumors, and tumors – benign or malignant, tend to respond to X-rays. Although X-rays are not always 100% effective in keloid treatment, they significantly decrease the chance of the keloid returning. By administering radiation treatment on Robert’s post-operation site, in addition to all the other measures taken, Dr. Sanusi Umar (aka Dr. Bumpinator) felt more confident that the keloidal mass would be gone for good.


Patchwork with the Keloidal Skin 

After removing the keloid scar, the next task on the table was closing the wound. Since the base of Robert’s keloid was quite large, bringing the edges together for primary healing wasn’t an option. Dr. Umar decided to use the top layer of skin on the keloidal mass to cover up the wound. The challenge was that the skin taken from the mass was not flat or wide. That made cutting out the shape needed to cover up the site impossible. This was nothing to stop Dr. Bumpinator, though! He figured out a way to cut out smaller pieces of the skin to use them for his unique patchwork. 

Once done stitching up the skin pieces to cover up the wound, Dr. Umar put dressings all over the wound to hold the skin in place. 


Figure 3  Dr. Umar uses the skin from Robert’s keloid to cover up the big wound that’s left behind after the surgery. *



Doing the Impossible

After undergoing five failed surgeries, including a previous post-operative radiation treatment for his keloids, Robert was starting to think he would never be permanently free from the lesions. The keloids affected his self-esteem and brought down his overall quality of life. It even took a toll on his relationship with his girlfriend. Because of his intense headaches, Robert sometimes had a cross-attitude. Despite his girlfriend Nailah being a patient and understanding woman, it was putting unnecessary strain on their personal lives.

Figure 4  Robert finally got his keloid permanently removed with the help of Dr. Umar, AKA Dr. Bumpinator. *


“I thought my keloids would be with me forever,” says Robert. 

He explains how he had constant headaches and itching and didn’t feel good about himself. 

“Dr. Umar’s (Dr. Bumpinator) special treatments did the trick! He’s a skin wizard in my eyes”.


Watch the Dr. Pimple Popper episodes covering Robert’s case below.


Frequently Asked Questions

What’s inside a keloid?

Keloids are formed when the skin is trying to heal itself and overproduces collagen. The site of the wound ends up with a raised scar. That scar can keep growing if the skin continues producing collagen. To answer your question, a keloid is a raised scar, so although it may ooze pus or bleed, it doesn’t have much junk inside like pimples or cysts do. 


Do keloids go away naturally?

Keloids tend to grow and get bigger over time. Most of the time, even when a keloid stops growing, it doesn’t stay resolved. In rare cases, more minor keloidal bumps may flatten by themselves, but they won’t go away completely. If your keloid is bothering you, you should see an expert who can remove the keloid scar for you. 


I have a tiny keloid. Would it be okay if I sanitize a scalpel and remove it myself?

The keloid formed because your injured skin failed to heal itself properly. It overcompensated for the injury by producing too much collagen, which then became the keloid. This means you are prone to developing keloidal bumps. Unless you’re a dermatologist, you most likely don’t know how your skin will react to you cutting off the keloid. The incision you’d have to make will essentially be registered as another injury to the skin. Unsurprisingly, this will likely trigger a bigger keloidal growth. Don’t try to remove the keloid scar yourself; seek a medical professional’s help instead. 





Get Rid of Plaques Behind Back of Head: AKN Plaque Removal Results by The Bumpinator

AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, commonly abbreviated as AKN, is a condition that affects men of color and can result in small to large painful bumps on the back of the head. Left untreated, these bumps can worsen over time.

In the case of this AKN patient, his AKN has advanced to a large, painful plaque on the back of his head.

After much research, he came to Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic to meet with Dr. Umar, also known as Dr. U or The Bumpinator, to terminate his AKN bumps and AKN plaque once and for all.

See the amazing before and after results in the image and YouTube video below.

Bumpinator AKN Plaque Removal Results – Before and After Surgical Removal by Dr. U

AKN Plaque Removal Before and After Patient Results – Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic*

Note the clean finish The Bumpinator was able to accomplish for this patient. The clean, natural, and masculine-looking hairline directly result from careful surgical experience combined with The Bumpinator’s original AKN removal methods unique to this clinic.

VIDEO: Back of Head AKN Plaque Removal: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against The Bumpinator!

Open the YouTube video to see more before and after video results of this patient’s remarkable transformation! You can also follow our channel on YouTube for more Bumpinator content.

Free Yourself From Unwanted AKN Plaques & AKN Bumps – Contact The Bumpinator Today

AKN can be painful, both mentally and physically.

Treating and removing AKN as soon as possible is essential, so it does not worsen.

Would you like to know what it feels like to live freely? Without constant pain and worry?

Many patients have reported that after AKN removal, a “weight” has been lifted – both physically and mentally, as they are now free from the constant pain of living with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.

Suppose you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head. In that case, it is best to discuss this with a licensed and experienced dermatologist such as Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, who has extensive experience diagnosing and dealing with this tough-to-beat condition.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

What does AKN look like?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchael (AKN) can appear as:

  1. Red patches on the skin
  2. Papules
  3. Plaques
  4. Pustules

These bumps, plaques, and papules can sometimes appear acne-like, but AKN is a condition that is entirely different from acne.

This may be confusing for some, as AKN stands for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, but rest assured that these are different conditions and require vastly different treatments.

Where is AKN found on the body?

As stated by Cleveland Clinic, AKN is found around the hair follicles on the neck and the back of the scalp [1].

Additionally, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has published a medical journal detailing the first AKN classification system [2]. This system is currently used by doctors worldwide to help classify and treat AKN. In the picture below, you can see the main target areas of AKN, as well as their different forms from discrete papules, nodules, merged papules, nodules, plaque, and tumorous mass.

AKN Classification system created by Dr. Umar, AKA The Bumpinator

How Does AKN Start?

The beginning stages of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae can be caught with red, itchy bumps, papules, or red patches of skin.

These papules often get infected due to scratching, leading to pustules – pockets of pus similar in appearance to pimples.

Further Reading

Another Successful AKN Removal Case by The Bumpinator

Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, Successfully Rids Patients of FD Permanently

Plaque AKN Removal: One Military Man’s Journey to Permanent Removal of his AKN Plaque


  1. Acne keloidalis Nuchae: What it is, causes & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22891-acne-keloidalis-nuchae. Accessed July 14, 2022.
  2. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

AKN Removal Results Los Angeles: Another Successful Case by The Bumpinator

AKN Removal Results Los Angeles: AKN bumps, which can be found as small or large acne-like or keloid-like bumps around the back of the head, are often mistaken for barber’s rash. AKN is not a condition caused due to hygiene or dirty razors, but it is borne from a genetic condition. It is similar to Folliculitis in that ingrown hairs cause inflammation at the follicular level, creating itchiness, bumps, and scarring pustules that can grow bigger and deeper over time.

Due to AKN being a condition and a disease that is known to worsen over time, AKN should be diagnosed and treated immediately to prevent further damage to the scalp and hair.

Fortunately, if you suspect that you may have AKN, Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD, AKA The Bumpinator, is here to help as a dermatologist with specialized experience in diagnosing and effectively treating AKN. Results of his permanent AKN-removal surgery can be found in the pictures and videos below.

AKN Removal Surgery: Before & After Picture Results Post-Surgery

AKN Large Bump Removal Surgery Results – Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator

Dr. U completed this AKN removal surgery at the Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic, Manhattan Beach, California, USA.

Note how Dr. U, using self-invented, patented, and patent-pending techniques provided his AKN removal patient with a clean and natural-looking hairline post-AKN surgery.

The patient needs to heal a natural-looking scar where the AKN used to be so that the back of the scalp or head can naturally heal per the patient’s natural hairline.

This critical cosmetic part contributes to the patient’s satisfaction and happiness in their AKN removal results post-surgery.

VIDEO: Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator Large AKN Bump Removal Results

AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

AKN Removal Results Los Angeles: Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, is a pioneer and expert in AKN research and removal. One of his most significant contributions to modern medicine was this AKN Classification Chart & System shown below, which is currently used by doctors worldwide to diagnose and treat AKN cases. There are few standardized processes or treatments that have been successful in the general realm of modern medicine. Still, Dr. Sanusi Umar’s approach to AKN removal has been successful, permanently for a long list of patients.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Experience Freedom From Unwanted AKN Bumps, Now & For All With The Help of The Bumpinator

Many patients suffering from AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) have traveled far and wide through numerous dermatologists everywhere, searching for a permanent cure.

Often, their final stop is at Dr. U’s clinic here in Manhattan Beach. If you suspect you have AKN, it is best to consult with an experienced dermatologist who has had extensive experience in diagnosing and treating AKN patients.

If you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head or scalp, it may be time to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, to figure out precisely what it is you have and what can be done to treat it.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

How big can AKN bumps get?

Unfortunately, AKN is known to worsen over time, meaning that AKN bumps can grow in size ranging from their depth, width, the affected area, and more.

Many cases of severe AKN require extensive treatment such as radiation therapy and laser removal to remove successfully.

Whether you have AKN bumps in the size of small peas, or AKN bumps in the size of wide scars or bands, plaques, nodules, or more on the back of your head, it is best to consult with a dermatologist who has had extensive experience with AKN, such as Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator. To do so, schedule a free video consultation using the “Free Consultation” button above.

Is AKN related to Folliculitis?

In a sense, AKN is related to Folliculitis because there is a genetic condition that results in ingrown hairs in the patient, which eventually cascades into significant inflammation in the back of the head. Other related conditions to AKN, such as Folliculitis Decalvans (FD), which Dr. Sanusi Umar also diagnoses and treats successfully.

Further Reading

20+ Years of Living with AKN Finally Cured by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

What is AKN?


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  4. Clinics, U., 2022. Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN). [online] University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Available at: <https://uihc.org/health-topics/acne-keloidalis-nuchae-akn> [Accessed 22 January 2022].

Folliculitis Decalvans Removal: Get Rid of FD Permanently

Folliculitis Decalvans Removal: Known as a rare yet aggressive condition, Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is a skin condition affecting the scalp’s back top crown. Left untreated, it can worsen and create more extensive and deeper bumps on the back of the head and the top of the crown. Although Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is an aggressive condition, there has not been much information on how to treat it until now using Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator’s unique self-invented methods.

Folliculitis Decalvans Treatments:

As in the case of Dr. Bumpinator Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) patient, this patient had visited many other dermatologists before with no significant results. Within these clinics, they gave him steroid injections to help reduce the swelling and inflammation, the bumps associated with Folliculitis Decalvans (FD). Still, it has not resulted in any permanent solution. These bumps on the back of his head continued to worsen. More so, these other dermatologists were unfamiliar with the condition and did not let the patient know that what he had was indeed Folliculitis Decalvans.

Yet, eventually, the patient was fortunate enough to find Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, through the power of the internet to help him get rid of his Folliculitis Decalvans bumps permanently. Using his self-invented methods of steroid injections to reduce the swelling, laser removal, and surgery to rid of the FD bumps permanently, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, was able to help this patient get rid of his FD bumps, as well as some AKN bumps (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) on the bottom back of his neck in a way that would let the patient retain as much of his hair as possible. Dr. Bumpinator’s surgical removal of FD can be seen below.

Folliculitis Decalvans Patient Example – Before and After Surgical Removal by The Bumpinator

Bumpinator – Folliculitis Decalvans FD Removal Surgery Before and After Results, 4 months post-treatment.


VIDEO: Folliculitis Decalvans Removal Before & After Results by Dr. Sanusi Umar AKA The Bumpinator



Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, has developed his personalized approach to permanently eliminating Folliculitis Decalvans (FD).

Using his specialized procedures and inventions, he created such as his patent-pending Athena Suture Kits, Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, has been able to successfully eliminate Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) in several happy and satisfied patients using his combination of personal inventions and procedures, laser surgery, non-pharmaceutical botanicals, and in some rare cases, a combination of these elements along with radiation therapy.

Do Not Wait – Folliculitis Decalvans is Relentless and Can Worsen Over Time

If you suspect that you have Folliculitis Decalvans (FD), bumps on the back of your head that won’t go away, or is painful or uncomfortable, it may be time to get it checked by a licensed dermatologist who specializes in these rare skin conditions.

Schedule a free video consultation now with Dr. Bumpinator using the button below to help treat your condition immediately, before your condition gets any worse with time.

Further Reading: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN), Folliculitis Decalvans (FD)

What is Folliculitis Decalvans?

Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s Published Article on The Relationship Between Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) and Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN)

Keloid Scar Treatment: The Bumpinator Method of Ridding Keloids Permanently

Large AKN Bump Removal: Amazing Before & After AKN Surgery Results

Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s Anti-AKN & Anti-FD Invention: Athena Suture Kits

Severe AKN Removal: How This Big Lucky Bear Overcame His Breaking Point Part 2

Severe AKN Removal Results:

If you haven’t read the 1st part of Robert’s incredible journey, you can find it here.

The story of Robert Peeters is one of hope, determination, and endurance of the powerful human spirit.

Robert Peeters represents an extreme and unique case of severe AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae), which he had struggled with for nearly 20 years.

His breakthrough on this long journey finally arrived when he discovered the work of Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as The BUMPINATOR.

Robert Peeters – Happier now that some of his AKN and skin conditions are gone thanks to radiation therapy done by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator.

Finding Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, from YouTube as one of the few doctors who had specialized in AKN – from research to actual physical surgery,
Robert Peeters finally found hope for recovery.

In the previous article and video episode, Dr. U prescribed Robert several medications and treatments to treat his discomfort. Some of which include:

  • Antibiotics
  • An anti-inflammatory is known as Colchicine
  • Finasteride
  • Turmeric

Yet, it seemed that these medications had little effect on Robert.

To help this particular patient achieve a normal-looking appearance, it was time for Dr. Bumpinator to resort to surgery, coupled with radiation therapy, to help Robert’s physical removal of his AKN, CVG, and Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. The severe AKN removal results of this extraordinary transformation and cutting-edge procedures can be seen in the video below.

VIDEO: Acne Keloidalis Nuchae: A New Hope – The Story of Bob Part 2 out of 4


In the video above, you can see the fantastic results of radiation therapy on Robert’s condition.

The Powerful Results of Radiation Therapy

Robert Peeters – Radiation Therapy Results – Skin Suppleness, Reduced Lesions by Dr. Sanusi Umar AKA The Bumpinator.

Severe AKN Removal Results: As shown in the video above, the volume and height of Robert’s lesions have decreased.
The skin is much more supple, and the skin on the back of the head is much more supple – in short, the treatment had been a significant success!

Robert had avoided going out in public for a long time since he was little, but now he does not feel that way anymore.

Turning 40 next year, he finally feels much more at ease going out in public.

Now, he finally feels more like an average person who can walk around comfortably in his skin.

But to fully combat Robert’s complete condition, radiation therapy itself would not be enough.

It was time for Robert to undergo surgery with Dr. Umar to excise his side lesion.

Underneath the Knife – Lesion Removal Results by Dr. Sanusi Umar AKA The Bumpinator

Removal of Large AKN Side Lesion – Robert Peeters by Dr. Sanusi Umar AKA The Bumpinator.

This is a dangerous zone as nerves on the side of the head are very important and sensitive.

In the video, you can see the surgery process of how Dr. Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, removed the left temple mass. A picture of Dr. Umar surgically removing the side lesion can be seen below.

Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, uses surgical tools to safely remove the large side AKN lesion on the patient’s scalp.

Dr. U removed a large side lesion.

Using the patent-pending, Dr. Umar-invented Athena Tension Sutures, Dr. Umar created a tight tension seal on the recent wound to remove the side lesion, as shown below.

Athena Tension Sutures – Robert Peeters Post Surgery with Sutures in place. Note that these tension sutures are revolutionary because they can create the tension required to close large surgery wounds such as these. Without these specialized sutures invented by Dr. Sanusi Umar, advanced surgeries such as this type of permanent AKN removal may not be possible.

The Athena Tension Suture Guard is a specially invented and patented tension suture kit by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, designed to help close surgical wounds from AKN removal surgery.

What’s Next for Robert’s Remarkable Journey

Now that the primary side lesion is gone, Dr. Umar plans to wait for the healing of the scar.

Once that is over, Dr. Umar is looking to help with Robert’s razor bumps treatment and rhinophyma surgery for Robert’s nose.

Once all that is set and done, Robert is excited to finally see what he can do and move on with his life to better, more incredible things!

You can also follow Robert’s incredible transformative journey on his Instagram at @thebigluckybear.

See what happens next in Part III of Robert’s journey with Dr.Bumpinator.

Do You Suffer from Painful Bumps on Your Scalp or Back Head, Neck Area?

If you suspect that you have unwanted bumps, small or large, around your scalp area or on the back of your head or neck, please feel free to consult with Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator – some of these conditions, such as AKN, can be a relentless disease. It can quickly worsen if left untreated and still worsen if treated improperly through improper means.

With Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, you are assured that with over 20+ years of experience as a double licensed dermatologist and pioneer in AKN research and surgery, Dr. U has got you covered.

If you suspect that you have any of these painful or annoying bumps on the back of your head, schedule a free video consultation with Dr. U using the button below.

What is Folliculitis Decalvans?

What is Folliculitis Decalvans: Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is a rare, chronic (long-term) cicatricial (scarring) alopecia that occurs in adults. FD occurs on the scalp and is known to cause permanent hair loss due to the scarring and prolonged autoimmune response associated with it.

Folliculitis Decalvans is derived from Latin and means “inflammation of the hair root associated with hair loss.”

Specifically, Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is classified as primary cicatricial or scarring alopecia, a group of disorders in which the inflammatory process targets the hair follicle, resulting in follicular destruction (hair loss) that can eventually lead to permanent hair loss.


Example of Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) Patient #1 – Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic, The Bumpinator

Symptoms of Folliculitis Decalvans

Some of the reported symptoms associated with FD include:

  1. Temporary or Permanent Hair Loss
  2. Patchy Hair Loss
  3. Irritated Spots
  4. Pimple-Like Sores Around Affected Area
  5. Pain and discomfort Centered Around the Affected Area
  6. Tufting of Hairs Growing Out of a Single Follicle
  7. Redness or Swelling of Affected Area
  8. Scaly or Crusted Patches of Skin Surrounding Affected Area
  9. Scarring of the Scalp

What Causes Folliculitis Decalvans

The cause of Folicululitis Decalvans (FD) is currently unknown. Medical experts speculate that this condition may be caused by an abnormal response to bacteria, particularly Staphylococcus aureus.

A study by Dr. Sanusi Umar et al suggests that Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is likely the same disease spectrum as Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) with the two conditions frequently occurring together [1].

What Folliculitis Decalvans is Not

FD is not a contagious condition, a type of skin cancer, or a keloid.

Who is Affected by Folliculitis Decalvans (FD)?

Folliculitis Decalvans is a relatively rare condition that accounts for 3% of 3133 diagnoses of alopecia and 11% of 840 diagnoses of cicatricial alopecia [2]. 

FD affects both men and women, but men more commonly. It is not known to be hereditary, although there are reports of it affecting members of the same family. Furthermore, there is a higher incidence of Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) in people of color.

Does Folliculitis Decalvans Hurt?

Patients who have had Folliculitis Decalvans are known to report pruritus (skin itching) or pain. FD can cause the area of the scalp to become itchy and painful, sometimes feeling tight. At other times, no discomfort may be felt.

What Does Folliculitis Decalvans Look Like?

FD generally presents as an “expanding patch of alopecia with peripheral pustules on the scalp.”[3]

The affected scalp area may become red and swollen, forming scaly areas, scabs, and crusts. Pus-filled nodes may develop, most commonly on the back of the head, but any other part of the scalp may be involved [4].

Another characteristic feature of Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) can be seen in “tufting.” Tufting is a condition in which several hairs exit from the same hair follicle on the scalp skin. It may lead to an appearance of hair similar to the bristles of a toothbrush. Bald patches can eventually develop and increase in size, leaving permanent scarring hair loss. The medical term for this permanent hair loss through scarring is “cicatricial alopecia.”

Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) – Patient Example of Tufting and Crusting

How is Folliculitis Decalvans Diagnosed?

Diagnosis can generally be made by a dermatologist examining your skin, sometimes using a handheld magnifying light to look more closely at the hair follicles.

In some cases where additional confirmation is needed, some dermatologists may require a skin sample (skin biopsy) or a skin swab taken with a cotton wool bud to confirm the nature of the condition.

Folliculitis Decalvans Patient Example – Before and After Surgical Removal by The Bumpinator

FD – Folliculitis Decalvans Surgical Removal Before and After Patient Results, 1-Year Post Surgery – Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator, Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic. In the after picture on the right, patient also suffered from AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) that were safely and permanently removed by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator and healed using his own invented, patented Athena Suture Kits shown on the top corner of the right picture, behind the patient’s head.

Treatment for Folliculitis Decalvans

There is currently no standard effective treatment for Folliculitis Decalvans.

Generally, Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) is treated with systemic antibiotics.

Other treatments may involve a combination of medicated shampoos, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial scalp, oral antibiotics, combinations of antibiotics, steroid injections, steroid creams, lotions, ointments, or more. Yet, most of these general treatments for Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) only offer a temporary, not permanent, solution to the problem.

Known as a relentless condition, treating Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) using the methods mentioned above may only lead to constant visits to the doctor or dermatologist for the patient, such as constant injections, which may not be the best solution for the patient’s overall health. Additionally, due to the relentless nature of this condition, untreated or improperly treated Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) using these methods mentioned above will eventually lead to a worsening of this condition and permanent hair loss.


Fortunately, there may be a permanent solution.

Dr. Sanusi Umar, has developed a personalized approach to permanently eliminating Folliculitis Decalvans (FD).

Using his specialized procedures and inventions, he created such as his patented Athena Suture Kits, Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, has been able to successfully eliminate Folliculitis Decalvans (FD) in several happy and satisfied patients using his combination of personal inventions and procedures, laser surgery, non-pharmaceutical botanicals, and in some rare cases, a combination of these elements along with radiation therapy.

Do Not Wait. Folliculitis Decalvans is Relentless and Can Worsen Over Time

Suppose you suspect you have Folliculitis Decalvans (FD), bumps on your head that won’t go away or are painful or uncomfortable. In that case, it may be time to get it checked by a licensed dermatologist specializing in these rare skin conditions.

Use the button below to schedule a free video consultation with Dr. Bumpinator. This will help treat your condition immediately before it gets any worse.

Further Reading

Keloid Scar Treatment: The Bumpinator Method of Ridding Keloids Permanently

What is a Keloid Scar? How do I Prevent it?

Large AKN Bump Removal: Amazing Before & After AKN Surgery Results

Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s Anti-AKN & Anti-FD Invention: Athena Suture Kits


1. Sanusi Umar, J., 2022. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed Central (PMC). Available at: <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8142833/> [Accessed 17 March 2022].

2. Vañó-Galván, S., Saceda-Corralo, D., Blume-Peytavi, U., Cucchía, J., Dlova, N., Gavazzoni Dias, M., Grimalt, R., Guzmán-Sánchez, D., Harries, M., Ho, A., Holmes, S., Larrondo, J., Mosam, A., Oliveira-Soares, R., Pinto, G., Piraccini, B., Pirmez, R., De la Rosa Carrillo, D., Rudnicka, L., Shapiro, J., Sinclair, R., Tosti, A., Trüeb, R., Vogt, A. and Miteva, M., 2022. Frequency of the Types of Alopecia at Twenty-Two Specialist Hair Clinics: A Multicenter Study.

3. Uptodate.com. 2022. UpToDate. [online] Available at: <https://www.uptodate.com/contents/folliculitis-decalvans#:~:text=Folliculitis%20decalvans%20(FD)%20is%20a,experience%20associated%20pruritus%20or%20pain.> [Accessed 16 March 2022].\

4. Bad.org.uk. 2022. [online] Available at: <https://www.bad.org.uk/shared/get-file.ashx?id=165&=document> [Accessed 16 March 2022].

Small AKN Bumps Removal by The Bumpinator (Not Barber’s Rash!)

Say Goodbye to Small Unwanted AKN Bumps: AKN can come in all sizes. It can range from small to large plaques covering the whole scalp or back of the head. It could come in pustules, nodes, acne-like bumps, keloid-look-a-like bumps, and more. In the case of this one AKN patient, he had small AKN bumps that would not go away, no matter what doctor or medicine he was prescribed. Here again, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, comes in to save the day!

Types of AKN Bumps – AKN Classification by Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator

AKN can come in several different forms:

  • Discrete papules, nodules
  • Merged papules, nodules
  • Plaque
  • Tumorous mass

Classifications for these AKN bumps can be seen in an AKN classification chart created by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Due to his work in creating this AKN classification system, Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator is one of the few leading expert dermatologists specializing in AKN removal and is often referred to by other dermatologists or doctors for AKN cases of extreme severity.

For his success in AKN removal, as with the case of this patient who had suffered from small AKN bumps on the back of his head, continue to the before and after pictures below.

Visit here for more information on What AKN is?

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

AKN Removal Surgery: Before & After Picture Results Post-Surgery

Below is an example of AKN removal surgery results done by Dr. U himself in Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic, located in Manhattan Beach, California, USA, where a patient was able to successfully leave behind his AKN bumps for a smoother, more natural look for the back of his head and scalp.

VIDEO: Small AKN Bumps Removal by The Bumpinator (Not Barber’s Rash!)

This Bumpinator patient finally removed his small AKN bumps after multiple years of living with this condition. To be free from the pain and stress of dealing with his AKN in his daily life was a “complete blessing.”

Below you can find a clear before and after video presentation of this one man’s successful AKN removal and the post-healing results after his surgery.

VIDEO: Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator Small AKN Bump Removal Results


Experience Freedom From Unwanted AKN Bumps, Now & For All With The Help of The Bumpinator

Even if you have “small” AKN bumps, it is still essential to take care of its removal immediately before it worsens – as AKN is a condition that worsens over time.

Once AKN bumps have been removed, many patients report that a “weight” has been lifted – physically from the back of their heads and mentally – knowing that they are now finally free from the constant pain and unwanted attention that comes with having AKN. If you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head or scalp, it may be time to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, to figure out precisely what it is and what can be done to treat it.

Know that no matter your situation, from minor bumps to large, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has got your back.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below!

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

How do you treat AKN?

Commonly, AKN is treated through creams and ointments, antibiotics, steroid gels, or steroid injections. Still, dermatologists often use these methods to treat AKN; in most cases, these do not work. In some cases, treating AKN with creams and ointments can make it worse.

In Dr. U’s clinic, his proven method of successful permanent AKN removal stems from either regular surgery, laser surgery (which cuts and removes the bumps permanently), and in extreme cases of AKN where AKN plaques, merged nodules, papules, and tumorous masses are so large that it could only be removed by radiation therapy.

Some of the examples of notable, successful AKN patients that have been treated through this method can be seen below:

Large AKN Tumorous Mass Removed Successfully by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

Extreme Severe Case of AKN Removed Successfully via Radiation Therapy

Visit here for examples of Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s AKN Removal Methods

Is Acne Keloidalis Nuachae painful?

The inflamed bumps recognizable as AKN can grow larger and larger, and often as the condition worsens over time, it can become much more painful.

AKN nodules are known to pop and bleed, sometimes several times a day.

These AKN bumps can merge without adequate treatment and create even worse bumps or plaques.

Therefore, treating AKN as soon as possible is highly recommended to avoid further pain, worsening of the condition, and the medical costs associated with treating it.

If you suspect you have AKN, or know that you do, schedule a free video consultation with Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator; use the button below to treat your AKN permanently.

Where do you usually see AKN?

Acne keloidalis nuchae, also known as AKN, can be found on the nape of the neck, as well as the back occipital scalp region of the head.

Further Reading

Keloid Scar Treatment: The Bumpinator Method of Ridding Keloids Permanently

What is a Keloid Scar? How do I prevent it?

Plaque AKN Removal: One Military Man’s Journey to Permanent Removal of his AKN Plaque


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  4. Clinics, U., 2022. Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN). [online] University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Available at: <https://uihc.org/health-topics/acne-keloidalis-nuchae-akn> [Accessed 22 January 2022].

Multiple Large AKN Bumps Removal: AKN Surgery Success Before & After Results

Multiple AKN Bumps Removal: AKN bumps, which primarily collect around the back of the head or scalp, can have adverse negative effects on your health, quality of life, comfort, and emotional health. Known to worsen over time,  AKN should be diagnosed and treated immediately or as soon as possible so that it does not worsen and become unmanageable or harder to treat.

Suppose, for any reason; you suspect that you may have AKN. In that case, it is highly recommended to consult a specialized AKN dermatologist such as Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, to diagnose the condition immediately so that it does not get any worse and so that your precious time and money are not wasted on treatments that do not work.

Benefits of AKN Removal: What Does it Feel Like to Have AKN Bumps Removed?

Many of Dr. U’s AKN patients come from all walks of life. They have reported great satisfaction, relief, and personal triumph in finally being able to attain the personal freedom and liberty they had always yearned for from the painful day-to-day realities of living with AKN:

  1. No more bloody pillows
  2. No more aching pain in the back of the head
  3. No more strange looks from strangers or others in public
  4. Elevated feelings of self-confidence

One such patient who has had a successful AKN removal surgery at the hands of Dr. U can be seen below.

AKN Removal Surgery: Before & After Picture Results Post-Surgery

Below is an example of AKN removal surgery results done by Dr. U himself in the Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic, located in Manhattan Beach, California, USA, where a patient was able to successfully leave behind his AKN bumps for a smoother, more natural look for the back of his head and scalp.

Using precise surgical methods and patented recovery methods, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, effectively removed these large AKN bumps and left a natural-looking scar for the patient. One of Dr. U’s greatest strengths in treating these severe cases of AKN is found not only in his ability to remove AKN bumps effectively but also in his professional ability to leave his patients with a clean and natural-looking scar similar to a natural, dashing hairline.

AKN Removal: Combining Cutting Edge-Medical Knowledge with an Artistic Sensibility

Known as a pioneer in the field of AKN removal, from diagnosis to treatment, Dr. U is also known for his artistic hand and eye.

A critical part of AKN surgery is not only the success of its removal and the prevention of its reappearance but also the healing and scarification process.

The patient needs to heal a natural-looking scar where the AKN used to be so that the back of the scalp or head can naturally heal following the patient’s natural hairline.

This critical cosmetic part contributes much to the patient’s satisfaction and happiness in their AKN removal results post-surgery.

Using specific methods of AKN diagnosis and removal, Dr. U can successfully remove AKN bumps from his patients, leaving a clean and natural-looking scar reminiscent of a natural hairline that harmonizes following the patient’s features.

Below you can find a clear before and after video presentation of this one man’s successful AKN removal and the post-healing results after his surgery.

VIDEO: Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator Large AKN Bump Removal Results

AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, is known for pioneering work in AKN diagnosis and treatment. You can find information below regarding Dr. U and his work in AKN classification, which is now used in studies and clinics worldwide to help classify and treat AKN patients from all walks of life more accurately and effectively.

This AKN classification system can be seen in the diagram shown below.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Experience Freedom From Unwanted AKN Bumps, Now & For All With The Help of The Bumpinator

Once AKN bumps have been removed, many patients report that a “weight” has been lifted – physically from the back of their heads and mentally – knowing that they are now finally free from the constant pain and unwanted attention that comes with having AKN. If you experience painful or unwanted bumps on the back of your head or scalp, it may be time to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, to figure out precisely what it is you have and what can be done to treat it.

Know that no matter your situation, from minor bumps to large, Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has got your back.

Schedule a free video consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

What can I do to prevent my AKN from getting worse?

Due to AKN bumps being painful and often itchy, it is common for AKN patients to scratch, rub, or pop AKN bumps.

Yet, scratching, rubbing, or shaving the back of your head or neck where AKN bumps lay may cause your AKN to worsen.

It is also best to keep the area where your AKN bumps are as clean as possible while touching or irritating it as little as possible.

Suppose you have AKN or suspect that you have AKN. In that case, it is best to schedule a free consultation with Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, using the button above to diagnose and treat your AKN immediately –  before the situation worsens into something more painful, significant, and harder to manage.

What are some signs of AKN worsening?

AKN follows many stages, as shown in Dr. U’s AKN Classification Types Chart.

Signs of AKN worsening can be seen in the growth of merged papules, nodules, bumps, plaques, and more.

Typically, if your AKN bumps are getting bigger, it is a clear sign that your AKN is growing in severity and, therefore, should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

As one can see from the AKN Classification Chart mentioned above, AKN can spread to the whole back of the head or converge together into a large tumor or plaque that is hard to hide and manage.

How big can AKN bumps get?

Unfortunately, AKN is known to worsen over time, meaning that AKN bumps can grow in size ranging from their depth, width, the affected area, and more.

Many cases of severe AKN require extensive treatment such as radiation therapy and laser removal to remove successfully.

Whether you have AKN bumps in the size of small peas, or AKN bumps in the size of wide scars or bands, plaques, nodules, or more on the back of your head, it is best to consult with a dermatologist who has had extensive experience with AKN, such as Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator. To do so, schedule a free video consultation using the “Free Consultation” button above.

Further Reading

20+ Years of Living with AKN Finally Cured by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

What is AKN?


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  4. Clinics, U., 2022. Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN). [online] University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Available at: <https://uihc.org/health-topics/acne-keloidalis-nuchae-akn> [Accessed 22 January 2022].

Large AKN Bump Removal: Amazing Before & After AKN Surgery Results

AKN Can Happen at Any Point During Adulthood: AKN is primarily known to affect people of color and can happen at any point during adulthood. What first appears to be small or large bumps on the back of the head or scalp, sometimes even mistaken as a barber’s rash, keloids, or acne, shaving bumps, AKN can quickly worsen time and grow into larger bumps that become harder to manage or treat. See more information about this patient’s large AKN bump removal below.

Suppose you suspect that you may have AKN. In that case, it is best to consult a specialized AKN dermatologist near you, such as Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, to diagnose the condition so that it does not get any worse with time.

One such example of AKN removal surgery success can be seen in this one patient who has had success with Dr. U’s Skin & Hair Clinic in Manhattan Beach, CA.

AKN can happen at any point during adulthood. Large AKN Bump Removal – Before & After AKN Surgery Results.

AKN Removal Surgery Patient Testimony:

According to this happy and satisfied patient, the staff and Dr. Umar had made him feel “very comfortable” at all points of the procedure.

“It was a pleasure having [Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator] for the operation.”

The “surgery [results] looks good, and Dr. Umar had done a great job.”

“I recommend that anyone with AKN come to Dr. Umar – he’s the best!”

VIDEO: Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator Large AKN Bump Removal Results


AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) is often mistaken for something else it is not, such as Barber’s Rash, acne, keloids, or other skin conditions.

Not all dermatologists or doctors who specialize in skin conditions are acutely aware of what AKN is and how to treat it in the best manner possible. Therefore it is best to consult a dermatologist with extensive experience in dealing with AKN to get the best results for AKN removal, whether it be post-surgery results or permanent prevention of AKN reappearance.

Fortunately, if you have come to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, you have come to the right place.

Due to Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator’s cutting-edge work in AKN research and treatment, from countless successful procedures of AKN removal of all kinds and severities, Dr. U was able to publish an AKN classification system that is currently used at the forefront of modern medicine to help classify and treat AKN patients worldwide, more accurately and effectively.

This AKN classification system can be seen in the diagram shown below.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator

Successful AKN removal procedures such as these are always inspirational and heartwarming to see.

If you experience or suffer from AKN, know that Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, has your back.

Schedule a free consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions Regarding AKN

How do I tell if it is AKN, Acne, or Barber’s Rash?

When you have small bumps on the back of your head or scalp, it could be several conditions. Although AKN is not acne or Barber’s Rash, it is a condition that is very similar to it. Yet AKN, unlike acne or barber’s rash, can quickly worsen and develop into something that is much more painful, large, and hard to manage.

In summary, it is best to consult with a qualified AKN specialist such as Dr. U to see what you have and to conclude the best treatment methods.

What causes AKN?

Many rumors have spread around the internet about how dirty razors or shears cause AKN. Many people mistakenly believe that AKN is a form of “barber’s rash.”

This is not true. Recent research states that the root cause of AKN is folliculitis. In plain terms, folliculitis is a condition of ingrown hairs that grow back into the hair root or follicle, irritating it. Although modern medicine and science are still studying the root cause of AKN extensively, it is widely concluded by doctors and scientists that AKN stems from this folliculitis and the body or scalp’s inflammation as a response to it.

In summary, AKN is caused due to ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle.

When is the best time to see a Dermatologist for AKN?

AKN is a complicated and relatively new condition. Diagnosing AKN immediately as soon as possible is crucial to prevent it from getting worse and more unmanageable. Coming to the right skin specialist who knows how to treat AKN effectively is also critical.

If you suspect that you have AKN, it is best to see a dermatologist who is an expert in treating AKN, such as Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator. You can do so immediately using the “Free Consultation” button above to schedule a free consultation and get your possible AKN bump checked so we can help resolve this issue before it gets out of hand – before the AKN becomes more painful costly, and harder to manage.

Further Reading

Dr. Pimple Popper & Dr. Umar AKA The Bumpinator: in Action Against a Massive AKN Bump

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Resolving the Keloid Scar Dilemma


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].

Finally Free From 20+ Years of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae: Small Bumps AKN Removal

Small Bumps AKN Removal: If you have had small bumps on the back of your head that you may have mistaken for barber’s rash but keep on getting worse and worse, it may be a condition called AKN – an abbreviation for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. Known as a condition that affects men of color primarily, it is a non-fatal condition that can be painful and hard to live with, both physically and mentally. Yet if this is the case, rest assured that there are small bumps in AKN Removal procedures that can be done to get rid of this condition – but it is important to note that due to AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) being a relatively new condition in the medical world, there are only a few doctors if not many worldwide, that can help get rid of this condition permanently. One such doctor is Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as Dr. U, or The Bumpinator, for his groundbreaking work with AKN removal for his AKN patients.

One such AKN removal patient, as shown and described below, has lived with AKN for 20+ years and has gone to more than 19 different doctors and clinics, trying many different medications that did not work. Yet, after visiting Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, he received treatment at the hands of Dr. U that helped him achieve freedom from his AKN – after 20 years of hard struggle. Below is his story, as well as before and picture results, and video results, to show the progress that he has made.

Small AKN Bumps Removal, post-surgery picture results. Before & After Laser Surgery Removal Results.

From Boston to LA on a 20-Year Quest for Freedom:

According to this AKN patient, this is what living with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) for over 20 years feels like:

“It feels like living in jail because you have to live differently. You have to walk sideways and avoid people so they don’t ask you questions or think about things. For the last 20 years, I’ve carried this weight on my shoulders – and now it’s been lifted.”

“But with [this] treatment, life is changed. I’ve gained a whole new life from this now. Thank you, Dr. Umar, you have changed my life. I recommend anyone that is considering [Dr. U’s AKN removal services]. It is life-changing. There are no other words I can use. Thank you, Dr. Umar, thank you very much.”

As one of the most incredible and moving stories regarding living with AKN, AKN removal, and personal triumph over AKN, learn more and experience this one man’s determined and courageous journey in removing his painful AKN bumps with the help of Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator:

Finally Liberated From The Pain of Living with AKN for 20+ Years

Having had AKN since 1998, this man’s AKN had started slowly, with only a few little bumps here and there.

One thing led to another, and next thing you know, he went for another haircut, and another, and “before I knew it, I was 15 years, 20 years into it.”

AKN, for this man, was “something that has bothered my life. It has been quite painful and embarrassing.”

More than 19 Different Dermatologists, Countless Prescribed Medicines, With No Results

Since 1998, “I’ve seen 19+ dermatologists, some of the top-rated dermatologists in the country, and none of them had been able to fix this.”

“I even had an incident where someone prescribed me medicine that almost paralyzed my legs. It has been quite a painful journey. For example, sleeping in hotel rooms has been difficult as I bleed blood on pillowcases. At home, I have to use a different and specific pillow tailored for this (AKN).”

From 1998 – 2021: One Man’s Determined Journey to Find a Solution

“Since 1998, I have been searching for a fix – to be able to live my own life. I first discovered Dr. Umar in 2016, but I thought he was too far and too expensive I regretted doing that because I ended up taking more medications that did not work. But this past December, I decided to suck it up and visit Dr. Umar.”

The Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator: Difference in AKN Removal Results as Clear as Night & Day

“Just the difference between my first and second (AKN) treatment has been as clear as night and day.”

“What has happened to my hair and head had been unbelievable.”

To see this man’s remarkable progress regarding his AKN and his surgical AKN removal, continue below to see the before and after video results of his AKN removal before and post-treatment by Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator.

VIDEO: Before & After Small Bumps AKN Removal Laser Surgery Results


The Bumpinator AKA Dr. U Can Also Help With Natural Hair Growth

In the case of some AKN patients, the accumulative scar tissue, bumps, and other growth around the affected AKN area can result in bald spots or hair loss due to the ingrown hairs returning to the skin instead of protruding out of it. Yet Dr. U cannot only help remove the AKN bumps but also help the patient grow or regrow hair in these bald spots using natural means.

As shown in the video results above, besides this AKN patient’s successful removal of the scar tissue surrounding his AKN, he also reports hair growth in previous bald spots, which has been a result of natural medicines and topical lotions that Dr. U had recommended him – natural hair lotion, hair pomade and hair supplement “GASHEE,” formulated by Dr. Umar himself that you can find here.

As stated by the patient remarks, “I have bumps that were painful and bleeding that now almost do not even exist anymore – they are almost completely flat.”

But more so, “Hair [is now] coming out from bald spots that have been bald for the past 15-16 years.”

How Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator, Combines His GASHEE Natural Hair Products & His AKN Expertise to Help Patients Recover Holistically From AKN

Can you imagine his excitement and happiness after ridding himself of painful AKN bumps that he had lived through for over 20 years?

In his own words, the now happy patient states, “I am very excited to be here today.”

Not only has his AKN bumps been successfully removed and healed by Dr. U AKA The Bumpinator, but by using recommended natural hair health products Dr.UGro GASHEE, this patient was able to grow hair using natural means in areas of the scalp that are now freed from AKN keloids and growth.

Due to a combination of all of these positive improvements in his appearance and health, self-confidence, and relief, Dr.U, AKA The Bumpinator and his GASHEE Products, as well as his AKN removal services, is “something [he] recommends to anyone who has the same situation as I had.”

“GASHEE has been painless and has worked for me.”

Life After Small Bumps AKN Removal: Living Free From Pain, Fear & More

“Surprisingly, people don’t think things like this [AKN Keloid Bumps] impact life, but I have a 5-year-old who consistently, for 2 years, asked me, “Daddy, what’s wrong with your hair?”

As you can imagine, “It is a painful thing to have to explain.”

“I’ve learned to live with it, but I’m looking forward to the date where I can answer that question differently. I’m looking forward to the date that I don’t even have to worry about in my head. I don’t even worry now because literally, I slept in a hotel room yesterday, and I woke up, and there was zero nothing on the pillow!’

“That’s literally the first time since 1998 where I can sleep on a pillow and not worry about it.”

“I’m looking forward to being able to go to the public and not be afraid of it or be worried that people around me would be looking at my head like, “what’s wrong with this guy. I’m looking forward to normalization, just being normal with my son. I’m looking forward to walking down the street and people not acting like I’m some weird person. I’m looking forward to people feeling comfortable around me.”

After the treatment, this man came home and states how “My son was quite amazed and excited to see the difference after my treatment.”

“My daughter said, “Daddy, this is amazing.”

“It is liberating; life-changing; I can walk down the street and not worry about what people think about me.”

AKN Classification by Dr. Sanusi Umar

AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) is a new condition recently discovered in the medical world.

This is why small bumps AKN patients such as this man were unable to find the right doctor or treatment to successfully remove his AKN until he underwent the procedure by Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator.

Due to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator’s pioneering work in AKN, from countless successful procedures of AKN removal of all kinds and severities, Dr. U was able to publish an AKN classification system that is currently used in the forefront of modern medicine to help classify and treat AKN patients worldwide, more accurately and effectively.

This AKN classification system can be seen in the diagram shown below.

AKN Classification, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Classification. These significant AKN research findings were discovered and published by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA Dr. U, The Bumpinator.

Visit here for more information regarding the peer-reviewed medical journal Dr. U published on Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) classification.

Visit here for more research and information regarding how the AKN this classification system can significantly help diagnose and treat AKN conditions.

Eliminate Unwanted AKN Bumps Now with The Bumpinator

We love to see a successful transformation happen like this!

If you are experiencing an AKN or believe you might have AKN, know that the Bumpinator is here to help. Although AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is a relatively new condition in the medical world, know that Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, is recognized worldwide as one of the pioneers of successful AKN removal methods, who has had extensive experiences and successes with AKN patients of all types and severities.

If you are experiencing bumps on the back of your head and believe it may be AKN (Acne keloidalis nuchae) and would like to talk to Dr. U, AKA The Bumpinator himself, schedule a free consultation now using the button below.

FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

Is AKN Acne?

Although AKN is an abbreviation for “Acne Keloidalis Nuchae,” AKN is not 100% related to acne.

AKN does not occur “as a result of acne vulgaris, but rather a folliculitis” due to an ingrown hair inflaming the hair follicle.

Rather than oils, dirt, or other substances blocking the pores, which happens with regular acne, AKN typically occurs due to an ingrown hair blockage of the hair follicle.

Thus, the ensuing painful and uncomfortable bumps, and scarring which generally accompany AKN, often happen due to the body’s autoimmune or natural responses to these ingrown hairs and the area surrounding these ingrown hair follicles.

Should I see a Dermatologist or Doctor for my AKN?

In one way, AKN is progressive and, for the most part, will continue to grow over time, increasing in size and complexity. Over time, your AKN can worsen and complicate to the point where treating it will be much more challenging.

Due to these factors, it is highly recommended that if you suspect you have AKN, you see a doctor or dermatologist with enough experience in successfully diagnosing and treating AKN.

Yet, it is essential to note that due to AKN being a relatively newly discovered condition in the medical world, there are not too many doctors or dermatologists who can successfully treat AKN.

If you suspect that you have AKN, it is best to see Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, immediately, using the “Free Consultation” button below to schedule a free consultation and get your AKN looked at immediately so we can help resolve this issue immediately before it gets out of hand.

Does AKN Get Worse Over Time?

Yes, AKN can develop into worse and worse conditions over time, especially if left unchecked or untreated. Due to this, AKN can become more painful and more irritating, as well as harder to treat if left untreated and unchecked.

Suppose you think you may have AKN or Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. In that case, it is best to first consult with a licensed and qualified medical professional such as Dr. Umar to understand the core nature of your condition and to help plan an effective countermeasure for it as soon as possible, before this condition gets worse or much harder to treat.

Further Reading

What is Acne Keloidalis Nuchae?

Learn more about the real-life man behind Dr.Bumpinator himself, Sanusi Umar MD

Learn about how Dr.Bumpinator tackled this monstrous, 19-year-old AKN bump


  1. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN): Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology of AKN. [online] Available at: <https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview> [Accessed 10 November 2021].
  2. S, U., DJ, L. and JJ, L., 2021. A Retrospective Cohort Study and Clinical Classification System of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. [online] PubMed. Available at: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34055191/> [Accessed 11 November 2021].
  3. Practical Dermatology. 2021. New AKN Classification System May Improve Treatment – Practical Dermatology. [online] Available at: <https://practicaldermatology.com/news/new-akn-classification-system-may-improve-treatment> [Accessed 11 November 2021].