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The Keloid Dilemma

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Keloids are raised scars that primarily appear after trauma – a cut or wound. They’re firm, sometimes shiny, rubbery, and have fibrous nodules that are caused by the scar tissue. They range in sizes and in colors – pink, skin-colored, red, or dark brown. 

What Is Keloidal Scarring?

As the body tries to repair the wound, there is a production of collagen. It’s the overproduction of collagen that forms a lump. Typically, keloids are also known as keloid disorder and keloidal scars can form in a variety of scenarios namely – severe acne, chickenpox scarring, infections, burns, vaccinations along tension during wound closure, or repeated trauma to the skin. 


Keloid scar growth on patient's earlobe
Keloid scar growth on patient’s earlobe

There have also been instances with something as simple as a pimple, mosquito bite, insect bite or a scratch can cause keloids. They appear on the chest, back, shoulders, earlobes, arms, pelvic region, and the collarbone. These types of keloids are not meant to be confused with Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, which has a different etiology.

How Do I Know if I Have a Keloid 

black female - keloid risk in ethnic individuals
Individuals of African descent may face a higher risk for keloidal scarring

Although injuries are attributed to the result of a keloid, they can appear spontaneously and prone to growth. Similarly, it can start as a small lesion on the skin and grow (slowly) with time (1). Keloids also tend to appear more so in the younger years, Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as Dr. Bumpinator explained. Meaning that young girls between ages 10 and 20 have a higher frequency of keloids due to ear piercings. 

Keloid symptoms include –

  • Itchy, stinging, or burning sensations on the skin.
  • There’s a ridged or bumpy area on the skin that’s unusually raised.
  • The skin is toned red or pink in color. 
  • The scar tissue, in time, increases in size
  • The keloid can be unsightly or uncomfortable.  

A qualified medical professional can diagnose and treat keloids. Although medical attention is not necessary to treat keloid. They’re generally benign, but seeking medical attention as a precaution is not a bad idea. 

Reasons To Get Keloids Removed

  1. Symptoms
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Size
  4. Ulceration
  5. Proximity and involvements of vital organs and functions

A keloid’s common area on the body includes – areas of high skin tension. 

The Pierced Ear Keloid

Keloids are most common after ear piercing. The piercing itself causes a minor trauma on the earlobes in addition to the skin and cartilage higher on the ear. As the wound heals wider and larger than the initial pierced skin, it becomes uncomfortable and embarrassing too. 

Because the way every person heals from wounds is different, the size of the developed keloid varies from person to person. This condition is commonly seen mostly among African Americans, Latinos, and Asians (1).  

Ear keloids are broken down into three types (1) – 

  1. Massive ear keloid: One keloid lesion measuring greater than 10 centimeters.
  2. Large and semi-massive ear keloid: One keloid lesion measuring 2.1-10 centimeters.
  3. Small ear keloids: One keloid lesion measuring no greater than 2 centimeters. 

Removing Keloids

Conventional methods of keloid removal call for surgical removal, but according to research, almost all ear keloids will “relapse” after surgery (1). When those keloids grow back they get worse and with time even grow larger. Ultimately, “the ear keloids will continue to relapse in many instances and at some point, the surgeon and patient or both will abandon therapeutic intervention,” research documents show.

Dr. Bumpinator disagrees. “With the appropriate treatment,” Dr. Bumpinator said. “the lesions or keloids respond well and never return.”

For this to occur special surgical and post-surgical protocols are necessary. At Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, he’s implemented a keloid removal procedure that helps prevent the keloid from returning. The guiding principle is to get rid of all keloid tissue while avoiding the expansion of the zone of injury by keeping all surgical injuries to within the original borders of the keloid, minimizing tension and reductive the wound created less need to form a scar in the bid to cover itself.

“I want my patients to be left with an aesthetically pleasing earlobe with fast recovery time.” 

The following photos show examples of patients surgically treated by Dr Bumpinator using the espoused surgical principles:

Dr.Bumpinator is on a mission to terminate all unwanted skin bumps, including keloid scars

Dr.Bumpinator is on a mission to terminate all unwanted skin bumps, including keloid scars! *

This young lady no longer has an embarrassing bump on the back of her earlobe thanks to her Dr.Bumpinator surgery
This young lady no longer has an embarrassing bump on the back of her earlobe thanks to her Dr.Bumpinator surgery *


Keloid scar bumps on the earlobe can grow to be quite large. Dr.Bumpinator not only removes them, but also refashions the final earlobe to appear as natural-looking as possible.
Keloid scar bumps on the earlobe can grow to be quite large. Dr.Bumpinator not only removes them, but also refashions the final earlobe to appear as natural-looking as possible.


There are other (non-surgical) keloid removal options, including: 

  • Cryotherapy: Freezing of the keloid. This is the better option for smaller keloids, i.e. caused by acne. Risks lightening of the skin. 
  • Corticosteroids: Injection of medicine into the keloid. This is one of the most common approaches to remove keloids. It is also often used in conjunction with cryotherapy or post-surgery.
  • Medication: Though not as effective as corticosteroids, other medications that have been used to treat keloids includes: verapamil, fluorouracil, bleomycin, and interferon alfa-2b shots. 
  • Radiation: Radiation of the Grenz zone, is the most effective if done within 24-72 hours after excisions. It is actually quite an effective treatment with a low chance of recurrence. Dr. Bumpinator uses this treatment option with more complicated wound closures.  

Furthermore, Dr. Bumpinator’s unconventional method pushes for a keloid free patient who didn’t have a need for steroid injections.

Keloid Questions?

Dr. Bumpinator encourages anyone with a growth of a keloid on the ear or other parts of the body to consult with a medical professional. Ask your keloid questions at

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FAQ – Understanding Keloidal Scarring

Who is a candidate for keloid removal? Any person with a keloid can be a candidate for keloid removal.

How much does a keloid removal cost? Cost varies and depends on the size of the keloid. In other instances, at other clinics, the cost may also depend on the location of the scar and the method the doctor decides to use. The average cost could range between $350 to $3500. Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures.  

What keloid removal procedures are available for Dr. Bumpinator patients? Dr. Bumpinator, an expert in bumps, also has experience in keloid removal and offers individualized treatment plans. In order to determine your procedure or best removal method, schedule a consultation: 

References – 

  1. Tirgan, Michael. (2017). Massive ear keloids: Natural history, evaluation of risk factors and recommendation for preventive measures – A retrospective case series. F1000Research. 5. 2517. 10.12688/f1000research.9504.2. 

Read More »The Keloid Dilemma

6 Bumps Redditors Think They Have But It Could Be AKN Instead

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Redditors share dozens upon dozens of pictures of their bumps. And in some instances, they call their bumps something other than what it is. Those bumps could be a number of things. But it could also be Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, AKN, a skin condition where bumps or papules and pustules fuse into mass bumps and lumps. 

According to Medscape, “the exact etiology of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is unclear (3).” Therefore making it difficult to properly diagnose or treat. In Redditors’ defense, they could be misdiagnosed and not know they have AKN. Considering there is limited research, information, and treatment on AKN, it may be challenging to pinpoint the type of bumps on the back of the head or scalp.  Most healthcare providers have even told patients there’s no cure for their AKN.

AKN bumps - back of head
Patient of Dr.U with AKN bumps at the papular stage of his condition

This makes the bumps harder to treat. Worse of all, with improper treatment, they often come back with an ardent vengeance. In the same vein, people with bumps on the head struggle in silence and are often embarrassed by them. 

Not Acne Keloidalis Nuchae : Other Types of Bumps Found on the Back of the Head

Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as Dr. Bumpinator pointed out that bumps on the skin are common and in some cases harmless. He explained that bumps result from a number of conditions with the appearance and type contingent upon the cause. They vary from acne, infections, allergic reactions, skin cancer, or skin disorders. 

Ultimately, when dealing, particularly with bumps on the scalp or back of the head, finding the exact type is tricky. So, what happens when your bumps aren’t the same as other Redditors and home remedies aren’t workingIf the bumps on the back of the head persist or get worse – 

“Don’t self-diagnose,” Dr. Bumpinator said. “You could have a more serious condition and it may require special attention.” 

According to Dr. Bumpinator at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, Calif. –

“AKN is often associated with every other condition, but itself.“ 

Above all, AKN bumps, at first glance, are often confused for folliculitis more than other types of bumps.

1. The Folliculitis Debate

Living with these bumps in some instances, when trying to get a haircut, there are special requirements. For example, Reddit user, u/virgil_caine31/ said he’d been looking for a particular barber who wouldn’t get “weirded out” by his bumps.

“I’m looking for a barber who can accommodate my weird, if not embarrassing, situation. I have pretty bad folliculitis on my scalp and it gets especially bad in the summer. Basically it just causes red bumps and sometimes they scab and can bleed.” 

In other words, u/virgil_caine31/ alleges he has folliculitis, but his symptoms could also mirror Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, AKN

Red colored bumps on the neck
Red-colored bumps seen on the neck area should be checked by a doctor who may confirm if they are folliculitis or not

Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell which is which, unless an expert specialist diagnoses the bumps. Nevertheless, when folliculitis occurs the hair follicles are inflamed. This skin condition is sometimes a bacterial or fungal infection that has small red or white pimples at the follicles. Common and benign, it forms bumps on the back of the scalp in the form of a rash. However, folliculitis with few pustules will resolve spontaneously within a few days, according to research (6). 

Reddit user, /u/feedittothetree shared a picture of his small, but inflamed bumps and asked –

“Weird bumps on the back of my head. Anyone know [what]it is?” 

Underneath his question, /u/Sparxfly responded: 

“Probably folliculitis. That’s a common area for people to get it. You can try washing the area with an antibacterial soap and see if it helps. But otherwise a dermatologist would be the place to start. Usually it’s treated with antibiotics. Shaving the area can make it worse.” 

According to Dr Bumpinator, there are also non-infectious causes of folliculitis. For this reason, Dr. Bumpinator recommends seeing a dermatologist instead of trying to self-treat.

2. The Bulging Boils 

Concerned girlfriend, Danielle, u/daniellenicole18/, turned to Reddit for feedback on her boyfriend’s bumps  –

“So my boyfriend, 25, used to have really nice hair. In 2016, he started to get these like pus filled boil/pimple type things on his head. They would burst and bleed it wasn’t pretty. He started losing hair where they would grow.”

By 2017-18, she said, he was prescribed Accutane to treat the acne/boils on the back of his head. But that’s when everything changed. If he didn’t take the Accutane, the boils would return. A recent visit to the dermatologist, Danielle explained, resulted in having to come to terms with long-term baldness. 

Yellow colored, pus- filled bumps on the back of the neck
Boils are usually large outgrowths on the skin which may be filled with pus

“My [boyfriend] is really, really sad,” she wrote. 

Over 40 comments flooded Danielle’s post. While some offered diet tips, suggested supplements, and most encouraged a second opinion: 

Yeah, I don’t know if that’s acne. It’s just on his head? Sounds like a fungal or bacterial problem. Either way, Accutane is notorious for hair loss and changes in hair texture. So I’d definitely see another dermatologist for a [second] opinion on what to do. In the meantime look into supplements. Careful with biotin, too much can cause more acne and serums and shampoos help promote hair growth.”  – u/EvieKnevie/

How big are the pimples/boils? Not a doctor, but a med student lol so that still didn’t mean anything…but I’ve also had some folliculitis issues and his issue doesn’t quite sound the same. It seems like the Accutane helps but that doesn’t tell you what the underlying problem is, so it’s a good idea to get a second opinion, or chat with his derm again. I’ve seen other subs talk about switching shampoos, like ones with tea tree oil which is antimicrobial so could help if it has to do with bacteria/fungi.” – u/grilledcheeseolive/ 

Dr. Bumpinator said that furuncles, carbuncles, or boils may be similar to folliculitis, but often caused by bacteria. The boil usually causes the skin to swell and consists of accumulated pus and dead tissue. Above all, a furuncle is one boil on the skin, but a carbuncle is a cluster of boils. The carbuncles are typically the type of bump that needs medical attention as the infection gets deeper into the skin (5).

Furthermore, he explained, this often happens where the hair is rubbing on the skin like “the neck, breasts, groin, face and buttocks are common places where people get boils.” 

“Boils on the scalp that won’t go away are a cause for concern,” Dr. Bumpinator said. “If the ‘so-called boils’ don’t go away after a short period of time. It’s time to see a doctor and if they keep returning after treatment, it’s time to consider they’re something else.”


3. The Slow Growing Bump: Sebaceous Cysts

Child with skin bump on the head.
Different types of skin bumps tend to grow at their own unique rates

Sebaceous Cysts are small growing bumps beneath the skin, but not to worry, they’re not cancerous. The good news, they are rare over the scalp (4). These types of bumps develop when the glands in the skin are damaged or blocked, and the oil is unable to leave the skin. According to Dr. Bumpinator, these types of bumps require surgical removal, and without it, the cyst will usually come back.

Despite the rarity of appearing on the scalp, it can still happen. Reddit user u/parkinglotguy/ shared with the forum’s /r/popping/ community a gruesome photograph of his “walnut-sized sebaceous cyst”: https://i.imgur.com/Gc3J5yo.jpg

In a different /r/popping/ thread, u/dallylamma/ featured a video of a hairstylist popping and draining a sebaceous cyst on the top of the scalp: /r/popping/huge sebaceous cyst on head/

Dr. Bumpinator recommends that you should not try to self-diagnose. Always see a dermatologist for a diagnosis and management.

4. The Itchy Scalp Acne Or Allergic Reaction?

Scalp acne looks like zits and pimples, but on the scalp or back of the head. These bumps can be itchy and sometimes crusted, according to Dr. Bumpinator. Sometimes, like facial acne, there may be blackheads and whiteheads accompanied with papules and pustules or nodules and cysts. Scalp acne is treated with over the counter products, but if it lingers longer than the norm, consulting with a dermatologist is encouraged.  

Redditor, /u/Skill-Key/, shared a photo of the left side neck and back of the head. In his post he said: 

“…itchy acne on the scalp that turns into itchy rash/bumps on the rest of the body. I’ve had the acne type bumps for almost a month on my scalp and have been using hydrocortisone and Aloe Vera on skin but nothing seems to work and the smaller mosquito-like bumps appear sporadically throughout my body.”

“You probably need to see the derm; hard to eval the scalp with a photo. Could be folliculitis but it’s usually not super itchy. Could be psoriasis! You’ll prob need rx products” /u/dinophile/

A Note On Psoriasis – Psoriasis is a skin condition where the cells excessively multiply and causes the skin to look scaly, dry, bumpy with red patches, and sometimes bleed (2). Dr. Bumpintor said, usually, psoriasis forms on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. With unique cases of patients experiencing similar effects on the back of their head too. However, a more severe psoriasis case causes red bumpy skin. These types of bumps require different treatments that address psoriasis. 

Other times, bumps similar to /u/Skill-Key could look like an allergic reaction to hair products. For example, if there’s shampoo residue from not washing it out appropriately, the excess, in the long run, could irritate the scalp and cause bumps. 

man scratching scalp
An itchy scalp may sometimes incur bumps that should be assessed by a dermatologist.

5. The Fatty Lipoma

A lipoma is a non-cancerous, fatty lump that slowly grows between the skin and muscle. It occurs when there is an overgrowth of fat cells (1). Redditor /u/tylerfmarch/ vented his frustrations and said that after two surgeries to remove a lipoma in the middle of his neck, the alleged lipoma is back, after a recent surgery dating back to five months ago. 

Superficial lipoma on the skin
A bump on the skin or neck may turn out to be a lipoma that should be removed by a qualified specialist

“I can feel it back again. It’s probably about the size of a dime now but it has gotten up to the size of roughly a nickel-ish before, maybe a bit bigger. I’m getting really tired of this. It’s not painful or anything, so I guess I don’t NEED it removed.. it’s just gross. I just want it gone forever. Is this potentially the error of my surgeon missing some pieces? Or am I doomed to have this thing for the rest of my life?”  – /u/tylerfmarch/

“I’m curious about this too. Mine is in a similar location. My derm blames weight gain, but given that mine grew back when I was in a steep caloric deficit I’m having trouble with that explanation. Parts of mine were definitely left behind though, since it was very “diffused” in shape my derm couldn’t get it all removed since I just had local anesthetic. I’m considering seeing a general surgeon and going completely under for my next surgery.”Anonymous Redditor

Lipomas, after surgery, can sometimes come back, often because they were not completely removed. Dr. Bumpinator said seeking a second opinion, asking for a biopsy, and seeing the results can help better understand these types of bumps. 

6. The Sore Razor Burns, Bumps, and Rashes

Anyone who shaves can get razor burn and the rash to match. Razor burn can cause an irritating and painful rash of small bumps on the skin. The red spots can feel sore and inflamed. The worse part, they could get infected and with large puss-filled bumps.

“I guess a barber didn’t clean his clippers and since that day I’ve had small razor bumps in the back of my head. I can’t have a low cut because the bumps make me self conscious but I hate having long hair. Does anyone have a method or product that can get rid of razor bumps?”

His post also generated a number of comments and insight from other Redditors who suggested he may have folliculitis or sebum build-up. 

“Sounds more like folliculitis than razor bumps. This can be caused through bacteria getting into the skin but if it was 3 years ago it won’t still be present from the clippers, it’s likely that it’s present in your everyday life, which is completely normal. I have it all over my legs. I’d recommend going to your doctor and they should be able to diagnose you and give you something for it.”u/emmaheath_mua1/

“Doesn’t sound like it had anything to do with your barber, you probably shouldn’t throw them under the bus. To me it just sounds like sebum build up, use exfoliants, Tend Skin is a great one. Or try switching shampoo, if you think about how you rinse off in a shower all the oils and suds run down your neck, perhaps it’s a mild allergy to sulfates, or you’re just not giving it the scrub it needs.”/u/NatTreav/

Even though a person may – shave with the grain, use clean clippers or razors, not repeatedly shave the same area, practice proper shave care, or use proper moisturization post-shaving, the bumps can still come back.  And that’s when Dr. Bumpinator advises getting an in-depth look at these rashes or bumps. The swelling, tenderness of the skin, itchiness, red bumps, and inflammation paired with bleeding and oozing puss can be signs of acne keloidalis nuchae – AKN or something more serious. Barbers often get blamed unfairly for causing AKN on account of using dirty clippers. But individuals who get AKN following a hair cut, develop it because not from dirtiness of the clippers used, but rather from a genetic predisposition to AKN which is precipitated by shaving the hair short especially in the nape areas.

AKN tends to affect males of color
AKN tends to affect males of color

AKN tends to affect males of color


Barbers get blamed for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae
Dr. Bumpinator has reviewed hundreds of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae cases and doesn’t associate barbers with the condition.


But Did You Know It Could Be AKN?

In some instances, men are unaware that they have AKN. It’s not that these other types of bumps aren’t caused for concern, but AKN is a beast of its own that may require a more aggressive treatment approach. To get a full understanding of your bumps, ask Dr. Bumpinator: 

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Animated Intro for Dr.Bumpinator the Super Hero

References –

  1. Cavaco Silva, Joana (January 2020). What is a lipoma? Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322551
  2. Cole, Gary W., (n.d.) Scalp Psoriasis (Psoriasis of the Scalp) https://www.medicinenet.com/scalp_psoriasis/article.htm#what_is_scalp_psoriasis_when_can_scalp_psoriasis_begin
  3. Satter, Elizabeth K (2019). Acne keloidalis Nuchae (AKN).  Retrieved from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072149-overview#a7
  4. Singla, A., Singh, M., & Singla, S. (2015). Multiple Giant Sebaceous Cysts of Scalp. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 9(11), PJ01–PJ2. https://doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2015/15125.6798
  5.  What’s the Difference Between a Furuncle and a Carbuncle? (n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/furuncle-vs-carbuncle#treatmen
  6. Winters RD, Mitchell M. Folliculitis. [Updated 2020 Aug 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547754/

Read More »6 Bumps Redditors Think They Have But It Could Be AKN Instead

Athena Tension Suture Kit- By Dr.Bumpinator

Every Superhero Has A Villain – Dr. Bumpinator’s AKN Blaster Tools To The Rescue!

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Every Superhero Has A Villain – Dr. Bumpinator’s AKN Blaster Tools To The Rescue!: It’s a story like any other featuring an aspirant evil-doer – Acne Kelodalis Nuchae, AKN for short, whose first order of business is to terrorize and painfully torture humankind with it’s oozing pus and disfiguring ever-growing lesions. Meanwhile, shiny sparks showered around Dr. Sanusi Umar at the lab, also known as Dr. Bumpinator. Sliding his welding goggles to the top of his head, he added the finishing touches to his latest innovation to help combat AKN  – the Athena Tension Suture Kit™. 

Dr. Bumpinator located in Manhattan Beach has helped hundreds of patients with the bumps on the back of the head. 
Dr. Sanusi Umar is providing AKN treatments to address the bumps on the back of the head to patients in the greater Los Angeles area and worldwide.


VIDEO: Through The Ashes: Athena’s Mythical Rise – The Issue of AKN Wound Healing


Like other medical advances, AKN surgery also had its transformative process. Dr. Bumpinator realized he would have to challenge the traditional surgical approaches. Any doctor can perform a surgical excision on these bumps, but the recurrence of AKN was still likely if not done correctly. Whatsmore, it must result in an esthetically tolerable finish. To return cosmetically optimal results, Dr. Bumpinator, Inspired by Batman’s bat-shaped throwing weapon, developed novel surgical excision and closure techniques and tools, including the Athena Tension Suture Kit.

Athena To The Rescue – Exceptionally Discrete AKN Wound Closures 

The thrilling all-star Athena Tension Suture Kit™ is a patent-pending surgical tool invented by Dr. Umar that works to slowly and gradually pull the edges of a wound together in the desired direction while minimizing tissue tear through even in the highest tension wounds. 

The Athena Tension Suture Kit™ gradually pulls the wound’s edges closer together to coax new skin tissue production in the right direction. This process typically results in a line that forms a more natural-looking border of the patient’s posterior (i.e., backside) hairline. In other words, Athena nearly eliminates the incidence of tissue tears. It directs wound closure direction for a faster, more aesthetically-pleasing wound closure and a more natural-looking posterior hairline that camouflages the new scar. 

A combination of Dr. Bumpinator’s innovative tools and techniques of the bat excision and Athena Tension Suture Kit™ typically produce even in massive AKN excisions, discreet looking outcomes posterior hairline, which is straight, U or M shaped even with large-sized bumps that leave behind more extensive wounds.

Dr. Bumpinator has researched AKN and changed the treatment options to address all types of cases.
Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, has carefully researched the bumps on the back of the head and developed innovative procedures to provide long-lasting solutions to AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae), FD (Folliculitis Decalvans), keloids, and other relentless skin conditions.


The Athena Tension Suture Guard by Dr Sanusi Umar aka Dr Bumpinator
The Athena Tension Suture Guard is a specially invented and patented tension suture kit by Dr. Sanusi Umar, AKA The Bumpinator, designed to help close surgical wounds from AKN removal surgery.


Athena Tension Suture Kits in action.

AKN (Acne Keloidalis Nuchae) and FD (Folliculitis Decalvans) are progressive conditions that will likely worsen over time. In some cases, such as FD (Folliculitis Decalvans), this condition can eventually lead to permanent hair loss. To minimize these damages to the scalp and hair, it is best to consult with a licensed medical professional who is experienced and successful in dealing with these relatively unknown conditions.

If you think you have AKN or FD and would like to learn more about removal surgery, click the button below to start a conversation with Dr. Bumpinator himself!

Claim your free consultation now to see how Dr. U AKA Dr. Bumpinator Can Help Your AKN or condition.

FAQ – Athena Tension Suture Kit

How long would I need to have my tension sutures following my AKN removal surgery?

It varies from person to person. Discuss this with your provider, who would decide depending on your wound’s size and location.

Can I go out in public with my Athena tension sutures on?

Patients will need to protect the sutured wound healing area with a gauze dressing and a topically applied anti-microbial medication.

In public, they can keep this area concealed with a clean head dressing approved by their surgical provider.


Umar, Sanusi, et al. “Innovative Surgical Approaches and Selection Criteria of Large Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Lesions.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, vol. 7, no. 5, 2019, 

Read More »Every Superhero Has A Villain – Dr. Bumpinator’s AKN Blaster Tools To The Rescue!

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All

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Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All: He shrugged them off. It just wasn’t a big deal. According to Los Angeles native, who decided to become Dr.Bumpinator’s patient, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen these types of bumps, and just like before he expected them to go away. 

These tiny bumps, he explained, formed along his hairline on the back of his head after his hair was braided too tightly. 

He ignored the bumps when they first appeared.
Los Angeles patient admitted he initially ignored the bumps on the back of his head because he genuinely thought they would go on their own.

“Even that same day, I started noticing little bumps across my hairline,” he said.

Bumps after getting hair braided is typical. In fact, hairstylists and barbers sometimes inform their clients that the tightness of the braid may cause slight irritation or inflamed bumps on the edges of the hair. Some have called it barber’s rash.

Feeling uncomfortable and unwilling to suffer through the rigid tugging and pulling caused by the braids, the patient said he unraveled his braids. He didn’t think too much into it once the tension on his scalp was relieved and went about his typical routines.

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All

In this video, Dr. Bumpinator explains the importance of this patient’s case.  Learn more about the details of his experience prior to his surgery.

Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of The Head Once and For All

The Bumps Kept Growing 

The bumps, he thought would subside, eventually. But they didn’t. Cue the pain, drainage and neverending discomfort. 

“I was treating them like regular hair bumps,” the patient explained. “Being a black male, you get hair bumps when you shave and I thought that’s what it was.” 

Gradually, year-over-year, the bumps changed. Fifteen years since the day he untwisted his braids, the bumps fused into a large protruding mass that he hid with his long dreadlocks.

Mike’s massive AKN bump.
Mike grew his hair out to hide the large AKN bump.
Mike hid his AKN bump for years.
Because of his long hair , not a lot of people realized that Mike was struggling with AKN.

“For some reason,” he said. “Which is unknown, it decided to develop into something else.”

Trading Supersets for Hundred Mile coffee

The massive size of the bump restricted head movements. He could not find a comfortable sleep posture. That plus all the oozing of pus and blood from the bumps called for a career change. The patient’s work as a personal fitness trainer was severely affected by the slow trickle of pus, blood, and discharge from the mass on the back of his head.

“It would discharge out of the blue,” he explained. “And me dealing with people or [helping] them; I had to completely change everything.” 

“It was embarrassing,” he added. 

Pondering his next career steps, Mike decided to start working as a truck driver. His life, he said, changed again. Instead of being physically active, he spent 14 hour days driving trucks.

“Part of my lifestyle was active,” he said. “I’ve always been active, but the change in my physical life changed my life more.”

Misdiagnoses, Treatment Failures, The Hopeless Journey of a Los Angeles AKN Patient With Large Bump

The patient sought treatment to no avail. He was referred to a dermatologist, but every time he went to the clinic he was seen by a different dermatologist who was unfamiliar with his case. 

“I was starting over every appointment with every doctor,” he noted.

Furthermore, each doctor went through a list of medications including steroids which were being injected into the lesions.  Mike was baffled. He said the steroids were affecting his bone density and teeth. “It was a domino effect,” he added. 

“The medication,” he said. “Was more damaging to me than the actual bump.”  

Nothing was effective. In addition, he didn’t even have an actual diagnosis. At one point, his bump was diagnosed as a keloid. He also had surgery to remove a bump on the left side of the back of his head. Unfortunately, the surgery created a bald area without removing the problem. 

“Inches of my hair fell out,” he added. 

He wished he hadn’t done the surgery. “They didn’t even understand what it was,” he explained. “They didn’t take the time to figure out what it was.” 

After that surgery, the patient explained the bumps came back even worse. He continued to take the medications. But nothing proved effective.

“Being on the medication and being in constant pain,” he said. “My wife noticed it was changing me.” 

The patient said his frustration with the constant agony over the bumps made him more reclusive. He didn’t want to be around anyone he didn’t have to. No one, but his wife, knew he was struggling with the bumps on the back of his head. In the long run, his hermit-like behavior started affecting his relationships with his family and friends. He grew long dreadlocks to cover the ever-growing bump which by then had become a massive growth on the back of his neck.

Dr. Bumpinator and Dr Pimple Popper To The Rescue!

“It’s like having a pimple on the back of your head that won’t pop,” Mike said of the bumps. Even at night if he rolled over, he’d wake up in pain. 

He needed a solution. Nothing was working and now at 19-years of grappling with the immensely 6.5 inches in length and 11 inches in width fused bump, something had to give. The balloon-sized bump needed to be popped or something. 

So naturally, seeing and hearing about Dr. Sandra Lee’s ability to tackle some of the most stubborn bumps, he decided to seek her help. After scheduling an appointment and seeing Dr. Lee also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, “She basically recommended that I see Dr. Umar,” he shared. “She had seen things like it but said that he had more specialty in this. She is very upfront.”

As it turns out, Dr. Sanusi Umar also known as Dr. Bumpinator has had extensive experience dealing with the specific condition which is called Acne Keloidalis Nuchae or AKN and was happy to take on this gentleman’s case as a joint patient with Dr. Pimple Popper. 

“The other doctors acted like they’ve never seen anything like it before,” Mike continued. “Dr. Sandra Lee and Dr. Umar seemed to know what I was dealing with – within minutes. Seeing Dr. Umar, he knew exactly what this was.” 

Dr. Sandra Lee and Dr. Bumpinator (the AKN specialist) meet.
After seeing Mike’s large AKN condition, Dr. Sandra Lee called Dr. Bumpinator to discuss treatment options and procedures to remove his bump completely

“I ended up in a little shell,” he shared. “I stayed at home and didn’t do the things that I would normally do.”

His Bumps Had A Name

He was surprised that Dr. Bumpinator wasn’t shocked at the sight and the magnitude of the lump. The patient added  “I was so used to seeing doctors who rushed through my appointments. They simply didn’t know what to do about the bump.” 

According to his interview, when he saw Dr. Umar  (Dr. Bumpinator) at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, Calif “ he knew exactly what this was.” Bumpinator educated the patient on his condition and for the first time in 19-years, he had a real diagnosis. He told him he had Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, AKN, a condition that affects the back of the head when bumps and masses form. In addition, during his appointment, Mike was given actual treatment options. He was floored to even have such options.

The massive Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump before surgery.
In 19-years,  this patient’s Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump had fused into a massive lump measuring at 6.5 inches in vertical height and 11 inches in width.
The AKN surgery incision.
Dr.Bumpinator measures the length of a massive AKN bump

“During Dr. Umar’s first examination, I felt confident. He didn’t look shocked,” he added.  “It was a breath of fresh air and I knew that I wasn’t going to continue this wild goose chase for help.”

Trying Not To Have Expectations

“I didn’t lose my faith,” Mike admitted. 

Similarly, he didn’t want to get too excited that he’d finally found Dr. Bumpinator who was confident he could eradicate the monster that taunted him for so long. His wife, Mike said, was also happy, but hesitant, too.

“We’d been down that road before,” he shared candidly. “Where we thought we had something solid that could help, but it was hot air.” 

Dr. Bumpinator’s Approach For Large-Size Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Dr. Sanusi Umar provides patients with a wide range of treatments to treat Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.
Dr. Sanusi Umar, known to his patients as Dr. Bumpinator seen here performing massive AKN head bump removal on Mike. Dr Umar has spent a number of years researching and developing life-changing treatments to provide Acne Kelodalis Nuchae patients with a wide range of treatment.

According to Dr. Bumpinator, AKN is poorly researched with conventional treatments often unpredictable and varies from patient to patient. His innovative techniques and protocols take out the guesswork in proper diagnosis and treatment. Such advancements are the driving force behind effective procedures that get rid of the bumps with long-lasting results. 

Furthermore, the patient’s condition was so severe that the topical steroids, oral antibiotics, steroid injections, and previous conventional surgery were obviously not effective. He needed a more aggressive approach without all of the harsh pharmaceuticals.

First Dr. Bumpinator appropriately classified Mike’s AKN. Based on this classification which Dr. Umar himself has developed, he presented this patient with curative surgical treatment options using techniques and some tools he himself developed.  

“He was upfront,” the patient recounted. “He knew how to deal with it and didn’t prescribe me medications.” 

“He knew how to deal with it,” he emphasized.

AKN Surgery Procedure To Remove Large-Size Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Bump

Bumpinator assessing AKN bump during surgery
Dr.Bumpinator and his team assess Mike’s Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump before removing it.

During the patient’s surgery, Dr. Bumpinator removed the mass entirely along with all its discharging sinus tracks some of which were draining to both sides of the patient’s neck.


Large sized AKN bump removed right after excision
Mike’s 19 year old AKN bump left a huge, gaping wound.  The challenge now, is how to close it and leave a natural looking appearance. 
Athena AKN tension sutures closes resulting wound left by the Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bump
Dr. Bumpinator at work, applying his Athena tension sutures which allows the AKN wound to gradually close on its own, over time.

He finished the surgery by using the innovative “Athena Tension Suture Kit™” to influence an optimal healing outcome as well as to minimize the size of the final scar.  Dr. Umar had himself developed the Athena tension suture kits when the conventionally available tools proved ineffective with often the occurrence of tissue tears that lead to failure and scarring.

Without the Athena Kits, the patient would have required a more invasive multi-phase procedure called balloon expansion which has a very high rate of severe complications and required many months of downtime. The Athena Kits removed the need for that Dr Bumpinator explained.

Eight weeks later, with just one surgery, the patient’s AKN was gone. In addition, to camouflage the remaining scar to match his skin complexion, Dr. Bumpinator also performed tricopigmentation.

AKN removal results. before and after surgery.
The side-by-side comparison of the patient’s look pre- and post-surgery is truly amazing! *

VIDEO- Monstrous 19-Year-Old AKN Bump Is NO Match For Dr. Bumpinator

Want to meet the patient and hear his feedback about his procedure? Learn more about this patient’s struggle with his large-sized, class 3 AKN bump and how Dr.Bumpinator terminated this lesion on the back of his scalp.

Massive Acne Keloidalis Nuchae AKN Bump on Back Of Head Removed by Dr Bumpinator

For the patient to heal, he shared, it took the two renowned doctors to communicate with one another. He said the level of respect both doctors have for each other, out of the entire experience, made a big impact on him. Dr. Sandra Lee’s coordinating care to have Dr. Bumpinator’s input changed this patient’s life. 

“I was surprised they were willing to work together,” the patient pointed out. “Or at least to share information. All the other doctors didn’t.”

In his opinion, the patient shared, “They’re both good people. Dr. Sandra Lee could have easily gone a different way about it. And I was happy that Dr. Bumpinator was willing to cross-reference, talk and come up with a solution.” 

His tumorous bump is gone. He’s bump-free – just like that. 

Though it’s been only nine months since his surgery, it seems like so long ago. He’s sleeping through the night. And when he’s tossing or turning, there’s no bump to awaken him. 

“It worked out in a good way and I’m pleased with it,” he said. 

Perhaps the most life-changing result beyond being bump-free, the patient shared, was that he was finally anxious to get back to the life he left behind.  “I have now quit my truck driving job,” he said enthusiastically.  “and for the first time, I am beginning to work out again. I am getting back in shape.”

With tears in his eyes, he exclaimed, “I have my life back.”Dr. Bumpinator’s diverse treatment options for men dealing with AKN bumps on the back of their heads also means there are no limitations to viable treatments that permanently clear them. It’s just a matter of proper consultation and meeting with Dr. Bumpinator to find the best solution as not one case of AKN is the same.  Want a free consultation with Dr. Bumpinator, himself? Click below to get started with a free consultation! 

Claim your free consultation now to see how Dr. U AKA Dr. Bumpinator Can Help Your AKN.


FAQ – Commonly Asked Questions About Removing A Large-Sized AKN Bump

I am a black man and would like to treat my AKN. Why won’t medications work to get rid of my bump?

Steroid medications will only address the inflammatory aspect of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. Also, antibiotics will only help with any bacterial infections present. In short, what this means is that drugs can only treat symptoms that cause patients discomfort. They will not actually remove the tissue growth which comprises your bump. You would need a more curative treatment using published protocols.

How do I know if my Acne Keloidalis Nuchae hard bump on the back of my head will stop growing or not?

AKN is progressive and will continue to grow and evolve over time, as shown in this patient’s case. Although it is relatively unlikely that average AKN patients will have their bumps reaching this size, affected individuals should still be aware of the ongoing nature of their condition and plan for the removal of their lesion, rather than hoping that this skin disease will reach some type of stopping point.


[1] Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2019 May; 7(5): e2215 Published online 2019 May 16

Read More »Los Angeles Man Gets Rid of Massive Bumps On The Back Of His Head Once and For All

Your Barber Didn’t Do You Dirty – It Could Be Acne Kelodailis Nuchae

Frustrated customers with “barber’s rash” have always pointed the finger at their barbers and attributed the cosmetically unsightly and itchy bumps to unhygienic conditions at the barber shop.

But that’s not the case. Those bumps on the back of your head may have nothing to do with your barber’s clippers.

Dirty clippers always get the blame for the appearance of bumps on the back of the head.
Unbeknownst, AKN sufferers, blame their barber’s “dirty clippers” for the bumps on the back of their heads.

Frustrated customers with “barber’s rashes” have always pointed the finger at their barbers and attributed the cosmetically unsightly and itchy bumps to unhygienic conditions at the barber shop. But that’s not the case.

According to Dr. Bumpinator, the superhero alter ego of Dr. Sanusi Umar of Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, Calif.; those bumps are called  Acne Keloidalis Nuchae or- AKN.

It’s Not The Clippers Causing Bumps on the Back of the Head

Believe it or not, dirty clippers are NOT the reason men, primarily men of African, Hispanic, and Asian descent, are struggling with AKN. Instead, men who get close to taper haircuts or skin fades are at risk. In actuality, the constant close cutting of hair “causes ingrown hair irritation and creates an acute inflammatory reaction,” according to Medscape, a medical news guide (1).

And while the cause of AKN is still unsettled, Dr. Bumpinator believes that fundamental to the disease is a predisposition that causes any trauma of ingrown hair to cause a healing response that is in overdrive. The result is an exaggerated inflammation and scarring, which causes more of the same in a vicious cycle that causes the lesion to expand without relent. This may explain why some think it is a keloid when it is not. The ingrown hair occurs when the person shaves their head, and the regrowing hair causes ingrown hair due to frictional rubbing by neck collars and pillows. It has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the clipper or shaver. If you shave your head and have a genetic predisposition, you will develop AKN.

There have been so many types of treatments recommended to treat it. But nothing has been as effective and life-changing as the treatment options Bumpinator has developed that treat and cure AKN.

A Mother’s Frustration

Seven-year-old Arhmani from Stockton, Calif., a few years ago, got a haircut at a barbershop in Sherwood Mall. It was a typical and routine haircut, but what ensued after came as an utter shock to his mom, Princess Redic.  

“I was terrified. I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was dry scalp,” Redic told local news channel KCRA 3. “It was bleeding, and he had pus bubbles, and people were telling me it’s a ringworm, but I’m like, ‘that’s an infection.”

Reddic rushed her son to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with folliculitis. Frustrated and outraged, she filed a complaint to the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. The co-owner of the Exclusive Barber Shop disputed the claims. Unfortunately, these sorts of stories happen frequently, and the barbers have repeatedly accused the cause of scalp infections and bumps on the back of the head. Unfortunately, these bumps are also often misdiagnosed, leaving men and sometimes young teens to suffer in silence.

But what is AKN?

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae can be misleading as it is not a type of acne. Instead, AKN lesions manifest as firm bumps that look like pimples and keloids that form around the hair follicles in the back of the head and neck. Patients have described “the bumps” as itchy, immensely uncomfortable, and as if needles were stabbing into their skin.

Barbers get blamed for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae
Dr. Bumpinator has reviewed hundreds of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae cases and doesn’t associate barbers with the condition.

Sometimes, it looks like a simple razor rash that has progressively worsened. Aside from being referred to as barber’s rash, some people have often referred to it as razor bumps, tinea barbae, Nestle Crunch, or confused it with boils, scalp acne, and folliculitis.

As the condition progresses, the bumps get more extensive and mold together. Over time, the bumps are more like lesions or even keloid-like plaques that become disfiguring and often painful. In more severe stages, clear pus or bloody discharge may leak from the affected areas. Patients with severe AKN cases also have talked about waking up to bloody pillows. Often, patients develop alopecia or irreversible hair loss with scarring.

Barbers are the front line of AKN Bumps.

Barbers are the front line in helping their customers understand the bumps on the back of their heads that may appear particularly after a short or tapered haircut.

The barbers aren’t ruining your lives. Barbers are the allies, not the foes, in this battle against AKN. Dr. Bumpinator, although vigilant of AKN complications and treatments, does recognize the need for proper sanitation of grooming tools like combs and hair-cutting shears. But points out that when frustrated barbershop customers walk out of the shop with a barber’s rash, pointing the finger isn’t the answer. It’s not that the clippers were dirty or that the barber had unhygienic grooming tools. Although the barbers aren’t ruining their scalps, “what these customers need to realize is that they have a condition that needs medical care,” Bumpinator said.

Barbers are essential. They are the ones that notice the problems on the scalp first. This means whether it’s the early signs of balding or dandruff; this includes any symptoms of AKN. They can recommend patients seek early intervention by dermatologists specializing in AKN treatment before the condition grows out of control.

Do you believe you have acne keloidalis nuchae or an undiagnosed bump in the back of the head? Click the button below to get started on a bump-free life with Dr. U (The Bumpinator):

Claim your free consultation now to see how Dr. U AKA Dr. Bumpinator Can Help Your AKN.


How do I know that my short haircut did not cause the bumps on my head?

A common mistake is that certain bumps after a haircut are just razor bumps. Sometimes, the bumps could be just razor bumps after a haircut and eventually go away on their own. But there are instances they don’t. And while the exact cause of AKN is unknown, the bumps are inflammations of the hair follicles that, if left untreated, can grow into a large mass. If you’re seeing these bumps repeatedly after haircuts or have gotten worse since a particular haircut, consider seeing a specialist that can better assess what they are.


[1]Satter, E. K., MD MPH. (2019, August 14). What causes acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN)? (D. F. Butler, MD, Ed.) [Fact sheet]. Medscape. 


Read More »Your Barber Didn’t Do You Dirty – It Could Be Acne Kelodailis Nuchae

8 Frustrated Reddit and Quora Users With Bumps On The Back Of Head Try Questionable, Drastic Home Remedies

A man bedeviled by the pesky bumps or masses on the back of the head along with constant itching, burning and squicky oozing pus is so rustrated with the bumps on the back of his head – he’d try just about anything to get rid of them. The medical term for this condition is acne keloidalis nuchae or AKN, according to treatment expert Dr. Sanusi Umar, also known as Dr. Bumpinator at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic where he has been permanently terminating these bumps for many years, with proven long-lasting results. 


Home remedies can make AKN symptoms worse.
Some home remedies may help alleviate some of the symptoms, but in the long run do not help get rid of all of the bumps on the back of the head.

Dr. Bumpinator’s Review of Reddit and Quora Home Remedies

Treating the bumps at home with the expectation to permanently eradicate them is unrealistic. Dr. Bumpinator reviewed suggested online forums, Reddit and Quora, user suggestions and provided professional insight as to what may help versus outright outrageous. 

After an in-depth  study of Reddit and Quora to review what home and over the counter remedies people have tried on their scalps, Dr. Bumpinator was astonished at the array of efforts to combat this condition. 

These bumps go by many names on the streets, such as scalp, folliculitis, barber’s itch or razor bumps on the back of head. According to Dr. Bumpinator, although many of the posters did not show photos, they are most likely talking about AKN. Sometimes people including doctors have confused this condition with another related condition called folliculitis decalvans which tends to affect the vertex portion of the head rather than the back of the neck which is where AKN commonly resides.

1. Fungicide Approach

Online forums like Reddit and Quora are filled with questions and interactions of desperate people with bumps on the back of their heads, doing drastic things. 

“Don’t make your bumps worse,” Dr. Bumpinator said. “Some home remedies can irritate the bumps and make them grow bigger or increase infection.” 

One Reddit user, “/u/darktrait,” described his bumps as “pus filled bumps that feel like a scene from an alien-movie, where the baby alien rips through the host’s stomach.”  

Following his comments, he shared photographs of his bloody and dried pus crusted pillows. Waking up to bloody and pus crusted pillows is a commonality amongst men who may have AKN. In the same post he talked about his misadventures in bouncing around doctor to doctor and medication to medication. He even accumulated a medical bill debt. He was frustrated that nothing was giving him the relief he needed. 

Experimenting with outdoor cleaners is actually dangerous.
Using chemicals used for fungicides and pesticides on the skin has caused skin irritations, bleeding and in some instances hospitalized people.

Desperate, he announced he was going to “experiment” with 30 Second Outdoor Cleaner that is used to clean algae, mold and mildew on a variety of surfaces like wood decks, concrete, driveways, plastic outdoor furniture and more. 

“Wish me luck,” /u/darktrait shared. “I will be spraying the chemical and let it sit for one minute and then rinse it off in the shower. Let’s see if this works and kills this.” 

This is dangerous. According to Dr. Bumpinator, creating treatments or self-remedies are very risky and can make you sicker beyond the scope of AKN. Dermally applying fungicides or other chemicals is like applying pesticides on the skin. 

This can cause skin irritation, redness on the localized area of application, bleeding, swelling or mild skin pain. According to the Poison Control Center, In more severe cases, the chemicals develop blisters, burns – large or deep and severe skin pain. Such developments may require ER attention. 

“Don’t put your health at risk by applying hazardous chemicals on your skin,” Dr, Bumpinator said.

2. The Quora Answer and the Hypodermic Needle

picking and probing the bumps
The constant picking and probing of the skin may leave the skin vulnerable to other infections not associated with the already painful bump on back of head.

A Quora answer was concerning to Dr. Bumpinator. An unidentified Quora user asked for suggestions on how to manage the bumps on his scalp, that’s when a Quora user, Joe, shared what he referred to as the “components to his cure.” Joe said he has struggled with the bumps on the back of his head for the last 35 years. Although he has consulted with a dermatologist who suggested not to use antibiotics or to pick at his bumps, it didn’t deter him from picking at them. But worse of all, he even said he used hand sanitizer and a hypodermic needle to treat the bumps on the back of his head. 

If a pustule develops, I use a hypodermic needle cleaned with Purell to pierce it,” Joe detailed in his post. “I then clean the area with more Purell and apply some antibiotic, even though the last dermatologist said not to use it.”

That’s a hard no. No, no – NO. First things first, hand sanitizer is meant to be used as a hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available. It kills bacteria and most viruses. Above all, the frequent use of hand sanitizer, long term, can dry out the skin; practically stripping it of its natural oils.  

Combining hand sanitizer with a needle can open the skin to more serious bacteria and vulnerable to a number of infections. According to Dr. Bumpinator, putting this on your skin can cause significant dryness and irritation, but needling the area would worsen dryness and irritation further. There is an increased chance of inoculating your skin with unwanted organisms.

Despite routinely creating his own solution, it hasn’t cured his bumps and Joe admitted there is a  constant cycle of scabbing, drying, peeling. 

There’s no such thing as quick DIY AKN fix

DIY Options to treat AKN aren’t the best
Treating your own bumps on the back of the head can create more problems than there already are. Find a knowledgeable specialist and ask questions.

Oftentimes, Primary Care Physicians, PCP’s, prescribe topical creams, lotions or gels that include – a retinoid cream, a prescription-strength steroid or cortisone preparation, or an antibiotic such as clindamycin (1) – such treatments are not effective long term. 

Furthermore, there have been instances in which oral medications may be prescribed in the form of antibiotic pills or a short course of steroids. In efforts to reduce inflammation and reduce or remove scar tissue, some AKN patients have received steroid injections directly into the inflamed bumps or scars. Those treatments are also temporary, with lesions returning bigger and sometimes more aggressive than before. 

Other PCP’s have tried to treat it by performing a surgical excision of the bumps or larger scars or even used liquid nitrogen/cryotherapy  to freeze the bumps. But because there hasn’t been a standard procedure to treat the bumps, it’s hit or miss. 

The problem with the aforementioned treatments, while they may temporarily subside some of the symptoms, it is not a permanent fix. On the back end, patients are spending hundreds of dollars looking for a remedy, only to see the bumps return again; this time bigger, more irritating, more painful and harder to manage. 


Other Reddit Tested Remedies

3. Choline supplement, Fish oil and Hibiclens wash

Nothing seems to help  u/rcarter22/ who’s been experimenting with a number of supplements and an antiseptic skin cleanser. 

“Have you started any new supplements recently? I started a Choline sup and being more regular with my fish oil, trying to figure out which may have been a factor. I’m going to start trying Hibiclens as a rinse to see. Also, changing pillowcase daily.

4. Dog shampoo, Oregano oil, Tea Tree oil and other oils did not work.

According to u/dmk, he tried using medicated dog shampoo, tea tree and oregano oil without much avail. He however found a solution using Neutrogena BP invisible mask, called Rapid Clear Stubborn Acne Daily Leave on Mask, unfortunately, when he stopped using it, the bumps returned.

“I bought that with a Neutrogena BP cleanser which is not too strong and doesn’t dry out my head. I have very short hair that I clip myself, likely a contributing factor to my folliculitis. So it was easy to rub this in and it absorbs completely. Within two days my head was clear. I really couldn’t believe it. I stopped using it and my folliculitis started to reemerge. Used this again-gone. Like 100% gone. Better than low dose doxycycline.”


5. Apple Cider Vinegar, Corticoid Injections and a concoction of things  

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Apple cider vinegar can treat the bacteria on the scalp, as it has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can keep the area where the bumps are clean.

Thirty-one year-old IT executive, u/Tchakpalo, from Africa opted to combine apple cider vinegar coconut oil, with corticoid injections. But unfortunately, the bumps eventually returned.

“I had to do my own diagnosis with the internet. But the folliculitis gradually evolved into a fibrosing shit leaving a lot of little keloid scar bumps. I tried home remedies for keloids, Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, tea tree essential oil and other stuff: it flatten the bumps a lot but they remain visible through hairs. Then, Corticoids injections in the scalp cleaned everything the day after. Corticoids injections make them disappear completely, but come back after a while.”


6. They blamed the barber

the barber is blamed
So many times, men blame the barbers for the bumps on the back of their heads.

Three years ago, u/uyzi alleges his barber didn’t sanitize the hair clippers. The bumps appeared after that haircut. But what if it wasn’t his barber’s fault? Read more on how barber’s are the frontline of combating bumps on the back of the head.

“I started getting bumps all over my scalp that were filled with pus. I’ve tried everything in the book. Antibiotics, accutane, and etc. as many of you have experienced these are short term relief, because as soon as you get off them meds they flare back up. What worked for me was mixing 100% tea tree oil and aloe Vera gel with T/Sal shampoo. 

For u/Caseacinator/ his bumps started two years ago after his barber shaved his head bald. Since then he claims the haircut caused the bumps and since let his hair grow.  He’s used Neosporin, Tend Skin, conditioner, and moisturized his scalp with shea butter.

“I admit that I’ve picked at it and I believe that it is caused by ingrown hairs. But I’m open to any suggestions as to what else this may be. What is causing this? How to get rid of it? I’m losing my hair and I wish to go bald, but only after I figure out how this is happening. I’ve let my hair grow for months before or I trimmed it just a bit a while ago, never low to irritate the bumps, but it seems that when I go low this starts up again.” – u/Caseacinator/

 7. He went herbal 

When he decided to experiment with ashwagandha,  u/NBNC2 was balding on the back of his head and with one bald spot in the middle of the back of his head from a red bump.

“A month ago I started consuming ashwagandha. About a week later, I noticed that every bump on my scalp was gone. None. Today the back of my head is full and those rough lines have gone.”

Meh, it didn’t work. 

Other Reddit users commented on u/NBNC2’s post with words of indifference.  

“This is probably a coincidence. I’ve [been] taking ash for the past year or two a day it makes zero difference.”  –u/MuteMouse

“Did not work for me.” –u/010Pachito 


8. He Raided the Medicine Cabinet

aspirin to make a type of paste
One Reddit user admitted to buying over the counter aspirin to apply to his bumps.


While some opted for essential oils or prescription antibiotics, to treat the bumps on the back of head, u/BULL3T2B1NARY tried a simpler approach – over the counter, OTC, aspirin. He makes a topical paste out of two aspirin and rubs it on his head after shaving. 

“Yup. Bought cheap Walgreens aspirin. Put two in my hand and let them soak for about 45 seconds and they become a paste. Then I rub it on my head. Good for exfoliating too. “It’s helped me a lot.”  –u/BULL3T2B1NARY



The best way to deal with the bumps on the back of your head or to find out if you have AKN is to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider that has a deeper understanding of the condition. It’s time to stop self-diagnosing or realizing that some of those treatments aren’t providing long lasting results. Curious to know more about AKN? Ask Dr.Bumpinator by clicking the button link below.

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FAQ – 

Is there any over the counter medication or home remedy that can help me permanently get rid of the bumps? No. Here’s the thing, a bulk of the over the counter, prescription and natural/holistic remedies only provide temporary relief of the AKN symptoms. Furthermore, some people haven’t been properly diagnosed with AKN and think they may have other scalp conditions. Hence treating them inappropriately. This in turn can cause the bumps, in time,  to worsen or grow bigger in size. 

Resources –

Maranda, E. L., Simmons, B. J., Nguyen, A. H., Lim, V. M., & Keri, J. E. (2016). Treatment of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Dermatology and therapy, 6(3), 363–378. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13555-016-0134-5

Read More »8 Frustrated Reddit and Quora Users With Bumps On The Back Of Head Try Questionable, Drastic Home Remedies

12-years Later, Anaheim Man No Longer Suffers From Big Itchy Bumps on Back Of His Head

“It’s incurable” – that’s what doctors and specialists said about the raging Acne Keloidalis Nuchae, AKN, on the back of his head. Defeated, Adalid from Anaheim, Calif. hid the big bumps on the back of the head by keeping his hair long and suffered in silence for approximately 12 years. It seemed that no matter the number of specialists he consulted, no one knew how to cure bumps on the back of the neck.

“They kept saying there was no solution for it,” Adalid said.

foul-smelling bumps on back of head

Adalid spent 12-years looking for a treatment and cure for his itchy and foul-smelling bumps on the back of his head. All the doctors he consulted told him his condition had no remedy or cure.

AKN is a skin condition that affects the majority of African American, Latino/Hispanic and Asian men. The condition itself starts as small itchy bumps along the back of the neck that eventually grow into painful, itchy papules and pustules. In severe cases, the bumps grow bigger, can thicken, take over the entire back of the head and cause patchy hair loss.

In Adalid’s case, the bumps formed along the nape of his neck and fused on the back of his head. He described them as large, itchy and foul-smelling lesions. With time, he grew frustrated with the lack of medical treatment.

Becoming his own Advocate

Taking the matter into his own hands, he began to deeply research AKN – the condition and alternative types of treatments. That was when he stumbled upon Dr. U’s Bumpinator videos and saw what many told him was impossible – a treatment… a solution … a cure.

Armed with hope for relief for the first time in years,  Adalid called Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic in Manhattan Beach, Calif. to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bumpinator, also known as world renowned board certified dermatologist, Dr. Sanusi Umar.

large bumps on the back of the head
Before being seen by Dr. Bumpinator, Adalid’s bumps spread and got larger on the back of his head.


Dr. Bumpinator has spent a number of years researching and treating patients with AKN. His innovative and transformative treatment options have changed the lives of hundreds of AKN patients who, like Adalid, had given up on a bump free head.

Dr. Bumpinator Saves the Day: The treatment others said didn’t exist

Sometimes surgery is the best treatment to eradicate AKN.
Dr. Bumpinator provides all patients with every possible treatment option. In some cases surgery is inevitable, depending on the type of pustules and papules level of distribution throughout the scalp.



During the consultation Dr. Bumpinator examined the bumps and determined that the type of lesions were in the merged papules and nodules stage on the verge of entering Stage II of the distribution phase. Meaning the papules and nodules were expanding and covering a larger part of the back of his head than before. According to Dr. Bumpinator, “the papules and nodules were progressively getting worse.”






Dr. Bumpinator's Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Type Characterization
Dr. Bumpinator has characterized five common variations of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.



Dr. Bumpinator's Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Distribution Characterization
Dr. Bumpinator has also identified four different stages of AKN that help determine the type of treatment needed.


The thing to remember, according to Dr. Bumpinator, every AKN case is different. Therefore type of treatment varies from patient to patient. In Adalid’s case, after discussing all his options with it was decided that the best option was surgery. While in surgery, Dr. Bumpinator used his specialty BAT excision method to create a clean, natural-looking scar and neck hairline with the use of tension sutures that directed the wound closure process. The BAT excision method als minimizes the chance of the bump returning.

Living Bump Free

Ten weeks following surgery, Adalid met with Dr. Bumpinator. Upon review, Dr. Bumpinator determined, for the first time in years, Adalid finally had the relief he sought – to be bump free. During the follow up, Adalid informed Dr. Bumpinator of his plans to cut his hair and keep it short.

Before and After results of AKN surgery.
Ten weeks after undergoing AKN surgery and treatment with Dr. Bumpinator, Adalid showed tremendous improvement and reported he no longer had any AKN symptoms.


“Now I just wash my scalp like nothing ever happened,” he said confidently.

Finally, bump free, Adalid told Dr. Umar that he was going to finally cut his hair.

“I recommend it 100 percent, [because]  of the results I have today,” Adalid said.

The most noteworthy outcome of his treatment was the permanent disappearance of lesions and malodorous pus weeping, according to Adalid.

“Definitely a confidence booster,” Adalid said. “It makes you feel better. Overall it’s something you don’t have to worry about anymore.”

Due to Dr. Bumpinator’s life changing treatment options to treat AKN, more men, like Adalid, are stepping out of the shadows. No matter the size of the bumps, Dr. Bumpinator is readily available to answer questions. Submit questions and treatment inquiries by clicking the button link below:

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How do I know if my bumps on the back of my head are acne keloidalis nuchae?

Those bumps didn’t show up big on day one. AKN actually starts out as small bumps that with time grow larger. As they get bigger, they can have a variation of symptoms that includes  bumps that ooze foul smelling pus, bleed, are itchy and are inflamed. If they do not subside despite the number of doctors and treatments a person has tried, they should consider consulting with a specialist that can appropriately diagnose the bumps. Though it’s not life-threatening, they can be quite irritating and embarrassing to have.

Besides surgery, what other alternative treatments are available to treat the bumps on the back of my head, AKN?

Before any type of treatment is recommended by Dr. Bumpinator, he determines the severity of the AKN. In some instances, he may recommend a combination of treatments. Ultimately, because not all AKN cases are the same, finding the best type of treatment may require a one-on-one examination and in some instances a biopsy of the bumps. Treatments can range from surgery, laser or radiation treatment. Read more about Dr. Bumpinator’s treatment options:


Read More »12-years Later, Anaheim Man No Longer Suffers From Big Itchy Bumps on Back Of His Head

Before and After AKN Type 2 | Dr.Bumpinator Patient

I Terminated My Back of Head Bumps, Thanks To Dr. Bumpinator

I Terminated My Back of Head Bumps, Thanks To Dr. Bumpinator : This patient started to notice small bumps emerging on the back of his head. Over time, instead of going away or subsiding, they continued to get bigger. Of course, these were no ordinary back-of-the-head razor bumps, but rather Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. He turned to Dr. Bumpinator for help.

Patient’s AKN Back of Head Bumps Before Removal By Dr. Bumpinator

The very first step taken by Dr.Bumpinator was to classify the patient’s condition to determine the right method for removing the bumps. This particular case is representative of an AKN class 2 plaque negative condition, making this patient eligible for surgical removal.

Area Affected By AKN Bumps on Dr.Bumpinator's Patient
Patient is eager to for his procedure to treat the sizeable area on the back of his head affected by AKN bumps.


AKN Patient’s Procedure Photos – Dr.Bumpinator to the Rescue

Dr.Bumpinator successfully removed the AKN bumps, leaving behind a clean linear scar in discreet alignment with the patient’s posterior hairline.  This was achieved by implementing two unique surgical techniques that he developed himself:

  1. The BAT excision enables the final scar to take the form of a straight, horizontal, linear scar and defines the posterior hairline [1]
  2. The use of tension sutures facilitates the wound closure process along with a more predictable timeframe

The wound edges will not meet and close on their own, especially with this large-sized excision. To help the process along, Dr. Bumpinator applied the use of tension sutures which pull the edges allowing the skin to produce new collagen along the right trajectory to promote proper closure.

Dr.U Removes AKN During Surgical Excision
Patient’s big day. With Dr.Bumpinator’s help, he is able to put an end to his AKN for good.
Dr. Bumpinator's Tension Sutures for AKN
Dr. Bumpinator applies tension sutures to help ensure successful and predictable wound closure


 Before and After Photos and Video Testimonial- A Newly Found Confidence Replaces the AKN Bumps

Dr. Bumpinator’s procedure allowed the patient to finally be free of his AKN, once and for all. Instead of a bare area with bumps, there is now a cohesive body of hair, minus the AKN.


Before and After AKN Type 2 | Dr.Bumpinator Patient
AKN type 2 patient before and after his Dr.Bumpinator surgical removal procedure


In his testimony, the patient shares that if he could rate his experience on a scale of 1-100, he would give his Dr.Bumpinator procedure a 500!

Watch his video below and listen to his feedback.

Dr. Bumpinator's Happy AKN Patient
This patient is incredibly pleased with the outcome of his AKN removal procedure, performed by Dr.Bumpinator (Dr.U)


I Terminated My Back of Head Bumps, Thanks To The Bumpinator

Interested in a free consultation with Dr.Bumpinator himself? Click the button below to schedule your free consultation now!

Claim your free consultation now to see how Dr. U AKA Dr. Bumpinator Can Help Your AKN.

Frequently Asked Questions

Could laser have been used to help this patient?

The treatment chosen is influenced by the type of lesions you have as well as patient preference. To determine the best treatment for you, visit Dr. U for evaluation. This patient was a much better candidate for surgery, instead.

How would a person know if their bumps are AKN or not

There is no way for a person to know for sure, on their own. It is best to have them checked out by a doctor who specializes in AKN to avoid misdiagnosis. With prompt action, it is possible to prevent the condition from worsening.

Read More »I Terminated My Back of Head Bumps, Thanks To Dr. Bumpinator